None (yet)
Posted by markus 10 years ago.

I forgot to declare my 10 year old DUI offence last time when i applied for an e-tourist visa...

I forgot to declare my 10 year old DUI offence when i applied for an electronic tourist visa 1.5 years ago. Now I want to go an a working holiday and apply for the visa. I want to declare my 10year old DUI, but I am unsure what will happen, if I declare it and a check up brings up that I entered Australia the last time without mentioning it. When I applied for the tourist visa 2 years ago, I simply forgot it. Will it be a major Problem? What should I do?

1 reply on 15 May 2015.
Reply from mike-in-oz 9 years ago.

Hey I applied for my ETA to get in Australia I forgot to put down my convictions or say that I had any criminal history I still got approved for my visa. When I travel next month I know they give you a card on the plane to fill out hey I applied for my ETA to get in Australia I forgot to put down my convictions or say that I had any criminal history I still got approved for my visa. When I travel next month I know they give you a card on the plane to fill out to declare your convictions or what you have on your back I'm gonna put no on my criminal convictions to put that on my ETA. I'm not wanted it wasn't for murder sexual salt anything like that was for writing bad checks is there any way they could find out when I arrive? Did you have any trouble?

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