None (yet)
Posted by jessicadonna 10 years ago.

Just wondering about getting a job!?

So I am sorry if this is a stupid question!! but, my mum and I have decided move over to Adelaide, but i was curious about the job side. Does anybody know if there is a way you can apply for jobs from New Zealand? or if there is someone like a company or anything that can help you search for and secure job before you head over, or just help in general with a job search? Thanks =)

1 reply on 25 July 2014.
Reply from meg 10 years ago.

Hey Jessica! Grace suggested using Gumtree and job websites to search. Although it is a little harder, depending on what you're applying for, if you just state in your application when you're moving over and seem like a good candidate, there shouldn't be anything holding you back! I emailed a website out of curiosity, totally didn't expect a reply, and they emailed me back and asked for my CV! So even if you might feel like it's a long shot, it's definitely worth trying - nothing to lose. You can also add on your CV/covering letter that you're available for Skype interviews so as to bridge the 'gap' so to speak. Good luck! :)

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