None (yet)
Posted by sk8rslife4me 10 years ago.

Any chance of visiting Australia with a criminal record?

I've looked around on the site and haven't seen anything that matches my specific question.

I'm 28 and I live in the U.S. I want to visit Australia to visit. I also have two felonies on my record, the first I got when I was 18 and it was forgery, I ended up being sentenced to 18 months jail time. The second was when I was 23 and it was embezzlement, I ended up serving 6 months with 19 1/2 years suspended. I completed probation and haven't been in trouble since.

My question is would I have any chance at all of visiting Australia? I know moving there is out of the question with my history.

Thank you.

1 reply on 03 September 2014.
Reply from mickey 10 years ago.

Can I apply for a visa to go to Australia with a criminal record for simple arson ?

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