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Posted by goodchick 12 years ago.

Can my partner move to auz after two DIC charges in 6 weeks and get a licence in Aussie?

Can my partner move to auz after two DIC charges and get a licence in Aussie? He is likely to lose his licence for 12 months or more here in NZ and we would like to know the chances of getting a licence in Aussie. Would he also need to get clearance from the embassy first?

1 reply on 18 October 2012.
Reply from david-j 12 years ago.

You can drive on a NZ license for 3 months in Victoria. Then you have to change it to a victorian license. When you change it you have to provide a document from the NZ transport agency saying your license is valid and there are no restrictions on the license. A NZ license is considered an interstate license in AU. And anything on the license is transferred to your vic license. Eg and driving conviction.

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