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Posted by bagpuss 12 years ago.

Would being bankrupt prevent permanent entry to Australia with NZ passport?

I am hoping to emigrate to Australia with my Australian partner. Unfortunately, I have to declare myself bankrupt - would this stop me living in Australia permanently? I have a New Zealand passport although I am British and live in UK.

3 replies, the latest on 13 September 2013.
Reply from anihem 12 years ago.

You have to apply to the insolvency people. They evaluate everyone on a case by case basis so would depend on your individual bankruptcy. Give them a call, they are very helpful.

Reply from birdman 11 years ago.

hi there im going though bankruptcy at the moment and want to move to Australia to live am i able to do this and how can i go about it as i have a partener over there waiting for me to arrive

Reply from birdman 11 years ago.

and i live in new zealand

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