None (yet)
Posted by dui-in-usa-want-to-move-to-australia 12 years ago.

I have been charged with DUI in USA and I am thinking of moving to Australia.

My case is still pending. I want to move to Australia within 1 year. This is my first offence. I might be convicted. What happens if I am convicted? DO I have to spent some more time IN USA if I am convicted? Or Can I apply for Australian visa after conviction? Looking at my offence I might get 7 days jail time and some community program to go through? Please advise.

2 replies, the latest on 26 May 2013.
Reply from aussie-dreaming 11 years ago.

Recent convictions I am unsure of.. You're an American citizen though, if you were had a NZ one I would have no issues telling you you should be fine as I have a drink driving conviction from 2009 but as you're American it's a bit harder.

You will be fine to visit on a temporary basis, but as for a permanent visa, they will ask you to undergo a character test.

Reply from aussie-dreaming 11 years ago.

If you have the right skills and have a good reason as to why you want to move of course, they will let you go through with a minor charge like that. I would suggest applying for a visa through the consulate before leaving.

And remember if you are coming and are intending to WORK even if it is a HOLIDAY. Apply for a WORK VISA, too often people get a tourist visa and come through not realising the questions and scrutiny you will get and come under if they have good reason to believe you are going to work on a tourist visa while here. The TV show border patrol has many cases of people failing over and over again through the character test for this same issue.

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