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Posted by melbournebound 12 years ago.

What time of year would be best to move to Melbourne?

Hi there,

I am planning on moving from Christchurch to Melbourne and wanted to know if anyone could give me advice on what time of year would be better. I was either thinking of moving in about 12 weeks - mid October - or waiting till after NYE and moving late January/Early February. Could anyone give me advice on when the best time to move would be in terms of finding somewhere to rent and job searching wise?

1 reply on 26 July 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Melbourne really shuts down during January - the city is unbelievably dead! - so I would suggest shifting either in October or waiting until early March so that businesses are back into full swing. In terms of finding somewhere to live, it's always busy and competitive trying to find a place here. But I think October would be a little bit easier than March, which is when a lot of students are trying to find accommodation. Good luck with your move!

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