None (yet)
Posted by dan 13 years ago.

Six years ago I left Australia with credit card debt to return home to New Zealand.

I want to return to Australia for a brief holiday. Will I be stopped at the airport on arrival?

139 replies, the latest on 09 November 2023.
Reply from wabbajack 13 years ago.

common misunderstanding. you cannot and will not be stopped from travelling for CIVIL debt. If you owe a government body like ATO an amount of money, then they can stop you.

Reply from anonymous 13 years ago.

Thanks for your reply, I am just worried about the debt having gone to collections and then even further than that. I have not heard anything from collections in Australia, nor have I tried to hide. I will let all know how things pan out when I arrive and depart Australia in the near future, it may help to answer some questions others may have.

Reply from anonymous-2 12 years ago.

Hi how did your holiday pan out in Australia? I am interested to know if you got stopped entering or departing or even detained. I too am in a similar situation.

Reply from smitz07 12 years ago.

I am also curious how your holiday went as I am in the same baot. Left Oz in 2008 with a credit card debt I didnt settle. And now with a sister living there, I would like to go back for a visit. Please let us now how it all went down.

Reply from matt 12 years ago.

Hi how much were you owing on your credit debt? I think you can't leave nz depending on how much you owe.

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

Hi there, my holiday to Australia went without a hitch. I had no trouble entering or departing. Hope this makes you feel abit more relaxed.

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

hi there, thank you for letting us know about how you got on at customs, you have just answered my question also, make me feel a whole lot more relaxed and that our holiday will not be hindered. thank you

Reply from david-j 12 years ago.

Hi, my husband took some bank loans n left Australia n started a business in India but lost everything. He is an Australian citizen , holding an Australian passport. Will he be able to travel to Australia when he is on credit hold? What will happen if he cannot pay back the loans?

Reply from nothing 12 years ago.

holy shit....i had $3000 debt on ANZ bank then i left AU. we got same situation.

Reply from macca 12 years ago.

I left owing $15000 before interest after catching my wife in bed with another bloke. I've been back since (2 years ago) no dramas, it's a civil not a criminal offence. Also think of it this way, businessmen may appear to be flying high but they're hundreds of thousands in debt in some cases and they travel freely, if customs pulled up everyone who owed the banks cash the already long lines would tail back onto the runway strip!

Reply from nikki07 12 years ago.

Hi I would like to travel from NZ to Australia for a holiday but a nasty previous marriage has left a 17,000.00 debt which I cant pay right now will I get stopped at the airport in NZ and refused entry to Australia only going for 10 days someone please help

Reply from strangeworld 12 years ago.

Hi there is anyone help me out in this as i have a bad credit history in Australia in 2008 and i moved to india and now i want to came back again so is there any kind of issues on airport do they stop me there or what happens when i reach there i am so much scared please help me out do this bad credit history will be cleared and if yes then how and how we can check that how much we have to pay plz waiting for your replies

Thanks Strange World

Reply from taranaki2013 12 years ago.

i recently flew to austrailia. i have credit dept and also fines. i was not stopped or questioned. with fines, as long as there still being payed they will let you go. and with credit dept, as long as you dont owe money/dept to the goverment, you will be fine. if its somthing like baycorp or one of those kind of companys, customs dont really care. hope it helps a bit. i know the feeling or worrying before a flight..

Reply from kwazziemoon 11 years ago.

Hi! Can someone help me please? I left Australia for NZ in 2012 and had a telstra mobile on roaming. It clocked up pretty easy - apparently due to data usage to $16,000 in 2 months (mostly late fees and interest i suspect) I stopped using the phone in NZ after 2 months of arriving.

I have just received a call from credit collectors wanting at least $4000 payment. Is there any obligation for Telstra to have informed me of my account which was getting way out of control way beyond my usual means and extremely higher that my usual monthly fee?

I know I also have a Credit card bill with ANZ in Australia for the amount of around $5000. There is no way I can pay any of these bills, I only work seasonal and do not yet receive any assistance from any government agency - however that is in the process. I have 3 children.

Renting in NZ, own a car maybe $2000 worth. What right do credit collectors have in making me pay for the outstanding debt. I have no plans of returning to Australia any time soon. Do I have to pay it?

Most of the debt is interest on top of the original debt. Is it possible that if I do have to pay it, do I need to pay the incurred interest? I am considering filing for bankruptcy in Australia. Can I do that from NZ? Would I just file in NZ and will that also take effect with my Aussie debt? aaaarrrrggghhhhh!

Reply from shan 11 years ago.

i have bank loan and two credit card debit in australia (around 55000) and i left australia i was on student visa that time can i go back to australia without any trouble when i apply for visa again i have to inform this my debit matters to australian immergation or they can track my record pls help me thanks

Reply from kathy 11 years ago.

My husband's Student visa got cancelled in Australia and he came back to India. He has couple of debts like credit card and phone bill. Right now we are in USA but planning to move to Australia, would there be any issue getting student visa for Australia again ?? This time he will be on my dependent visa. Any comment or answers will be great help. Thanks

Reply from want-to-go-home 11 years ago.

Hi I left New Zealand 9 years ago with 2 credit card debits if $5000 each. I moved to Australia to get away from a bad life in NZ and start a fresh life in Australia. I want to go back to NZ for a visit. Will I get stopped at the airport and will I be able to return to Australia to my wife and 2 kids?

Reply from want-a-gold-coast-holiday 11 years ago.

I walked away from a failed business 2 years ago, lots of creditors owed to but my main concern is the unpaid super & ATO debt. I haven't received any letters from the ATO regarding my debt but I have been getting the monthly BAS forms and finally they have stopped. I'm too scared to call the ATO in case I start something that would have been well left alone. Is anyone else in the same situation, would appreciate the feedback...

Reply from meme 11 years ago.

I owe credit card $30000 I want to go for holiday for 2 weeks from nz. Shall I get stopped travelling?

Reply from worried-person 11 years ago.

hi in 2012 i had left the country due to medical reasons i had a credit card of balance of 4500 aud and i kept paying until 2013 .then i stopped paying as i didnt have enough funds to i wish to go back to australia for 14 days so i can collect my stuff from there and leave the country again.i want to know if i will have any problems getting in or out of the country .kindly advise

Reply from want-to-see-nz-again 11 years ago.

Hi ALL, me and my family left New Zealand in 2008, my husband had a personal loan in the bank, plus a credit card with an amount of $3000 (including interest), he did not repay any of these, I also owed money to the Winz (work n income) We came for a visit and end up staying here for good, but we were still receiving money from WINZ for our 1 child benefit. Since then, We did not travel to NZ again, now we want to go for a holiday, but NOT SURE WE are GONNA GET STOPPED AT THE AIRPORT, AND NOT ALLOW TO DEPART NEW ZEALAND ANYMORE?...PLEASE HELP ME WIT MY SITUATION!

Reply from catlover 11 years ago.

hi if i was to owe money to a bank in new zealand and the government..would they stop me at the airport from travelling

Reply from williewonker 11 years ago.

We left NZ 6 years ago for Australia with 25k bad debt. It followed us over to Australia and they made us do asset procedure from Australia. The debt was wiped now in oz had a business failure of over 250k been back and forth from oz to NZ alot with no problems. We found your bad credit from NZ is a bit hit and miss here in oz got approved for a credit card from commonwealth bank after 2 months in oz, even with bad credit in NZ, then applied for a car loan and no go! Checked NZ credit file. So it really depends on the company and how much you're applying for and its very hit and miss with gaining credit in oz. But with travelling and leaving the country no problem ! unless your bankrupt and then it may be? not sure

Reply from disco-stu 11 years ago.

I left oz almost 6 years ago to return to the uk, i believe i may have left debt but unsure. is there anyway i can findout if there is debt. i am looking to return to oz soon for work and to start a new life with my family. does debt ge wipped out after so many years? any help would be greatly appreciated!

Reply from new-life 10 years ago.

I need to leave NZ to start over due to a bad relationship. I had a beautiful high paying job. My own home and all bills paid on time. Due to this bad relationship it has cost me a debt of $300.000. I lost everything, my job/cars and home. Will I be stopped at the airport at making a new life in Australia? Can I make arrangements to pay this debt back from Australia? Some advice would be good please.

Reply from the-master 10 years ago.

I was in exactly the same boat but had the debt in oz about 300k I had to go bankrupt which I paid $800-900 to do through a resistered trustee then once I was made bankrupt I applied for permission to leave the country which cost $180 then I received permission in about 4-5 days and I got an email with the attached letter with permission to leave the counter and came back to NZ no problems at all !

The process will be the same leaving NZ and going to oz. This is the best way to start fresh if you just leave NZ without sorting the debt they will follow you to oz and get a court judgement against you there and you will be screwed ! In NZ and Australia. I researched this for months before I did it, now back in NZ and a fresh start. But Veda advantage is NZ and Australia but sometimes the credit checks don't cross reference for some reason ? I myself will not apply for credit anyway because it's not worth getting into trouble ever again. Hope this helps you !

Reply from want-to-go-home 10 years ago.

Ok so question; We have a house in NZ which we have been renting while we have been living in Australia and topping up the mortgage for each week of $100. The tenant has advised that they are moving out in a couple of months. Problem is we have $20k of personal loan here in Australia and about $20k of credit cards (so about $40k in total).

We have been making our payments each month servicing both the mortgage top up back home and the loans here. But we are going to be pretty screwed when they move out of the house in nz. We rent here in Australia and after 4 years are seriously thinking about moving home.

What options do we have to break free from the Australian debt? We feel we are in a lose lose situation - where our house is located in NZ the market is incredibly slow and the tenants have really devalued the property with damage according to the last inspection (so not entirely sorry to see them go) so will take a long time to sell if we put it on the market and will need to meet the full mortgage expense in the mean time.

Because we are wanting to move home as we'd rather keep the house and live in it; now we feel trapped in Aussie because there is no way we can clear the debt or even afford the debt if we go back to NZ. We are stuck essentially!! I know that we are going to start missing payments as there is just no way there is going to be enough money to pay all the monthly's and seriously considering just leaving it all behind!

The Australian debt is all in my husbands name who has his first name on his passport - so all his Australian dealings had to be according to this name; but he has our mortgage, tax file number and nz drivers license in NZ all under his middle name (which is the name he goes by) - so the question is if we filed bankruptcy in Australia to wipe the debt in his first name would they easily find him or would it affect him using his alias in NZ going by his middle name? Or is it possible if we just officially change his name to the middle name in NZ so he can be issued the new passport in the middle name and if we ever come back start a fresh without bankruptcy affecting us for our credit rating etc? Not that I see us wanting to move back in a hurry

Reply from smokey 10 years ago.

Hi can anybody tell me what exactly can stop you at the airport from leaving. Im wanting a holiday in australia but finding it hard to find out any up to date info. I do know about fines.. I have ird debt , student loan debt which is all getting paid weekly. I have a legal aid debt which i havnt started a payment plan yet, and who do i contact to find out if Im clear to go before book tickets . Want to be really sure I can leave . Who can i phone directly to find out?

Reply from chinese-bombs 10 years ago.

Hi, I had a CBA credit card debt worth $7000 and I didn't pay it and moved to a new place. After 4 years debt collecting agency has sent me letter finding my present address. Does anything happens if I don't respond to it?

Reply from david-j 10 years ago.

Hi bomb Are u still in oz or outside of oz?

Reply from georgia 10 years ago.

My partner lived and worked in Aussie approx 8 years ago as a contractor, so he was responsible for paying his own tax and filing a BAS during his time there, to the ATO. He left to return to NZ without paying any tax or filing a BAS. We are returning to Aussie for a holiday later in year. Does anyone know if he could be stopped at the airport in Aussie for unpaid taxes?

Reply from irish-eyes 10 years ago.

i left Australia in 2013 quickly after my marriage broke down and left credit card debt of 3000 and a car with finance !! I have started receiving phone calls at my work to contact a debt company in Australia !! I'm really worried !! What do I do ??

Reply from jimmi 10 years ago.

Hi Leon, I have a question. This is for my best friend who currently living in Indonesia. He used to stay here in Sydney for a while before he went back to Indo. He left in 2012, he told me that he owes around 30-35k debt ( credit cards and personal loan), at that time he had no choice because he had an emergency back at home and he also got redundant from his employer here in Australia. He said it's really really hard for him to pay up the debts, because he has got a lot of factors in his life at the moment ( 2 kids, family, house mortgage in Indo, etc ).

The question is, what happens if he doesn't intend to pay? Will he be chased up for this eventhough he is living in Indo now? I heard of like 7 years written off something like that, but not quite sure what is the exact definition of it.

Ooo, also he is still holding a PR ( permanent resident ) of Australia, and he intends to extend the PR status every 5 year, will this be a problem when he comes back / re enter to Aussie? Will he get asked in the airport or anything? Also is it gonna effect the PR?

What is the worst could happen in this case? Thanks a lot

Reply from dagz21 10 years ago.

I was working in australia for 3 years and unfortunately I got redundant .. I am in 457 visa and I have a personal loan of 10k AUD in CBA. I also have 14K AUD in my credit card . What will happen to this credits if Im no longer in the country and my visa is already cancelled ? I can't afford to pay it at the moment.. Any advise will highly appeciated.. Thanks

Reply from in-a-similar-boat 10 years ago.

They will chase it, call everybody you know and try and pressure you into making payments. It is important to realise given recent laws that they can easily and cheaply have the NZ courts enforce the debts too.

I was in a similar boat and ended up having to go through an NAP (No Asset Procedure, a form of insolvency) so I could move on with my life. Take a look for yourself and see if it applies:

Reply from leavingozdebtoverhead 9 years ago.

Hi Dagz and everyone.

I am in a similar boat, 25K of unsecured debt (Credit Cards (6K, 8K) and personal loan 10K) on the verge of being redundant and visa expiry. I have no choice but to leave the debts behind and never return back.

I’d appreciate if you could advice, if the debt were chased by the Bank / Collection agencies overseas.

Reply from attraction 10 years ago.

hi guys,

I was in Australia for about 18 months, i have a 3 phone bill debt and credit card debt ( well actually my friend had taken a credit card on my name n i guess he didnt pay it back), i came back to India in september 2011. Now because my brother is there i intend to again go back on a student visa for a course. do you guys think i will get a visa??? what could be other alternatives to solve this problem?? need help thanks.

Reply from gazpanic 10 years ago.

Hi, I left Australia 2 years ago due to health reasons. I was in a debt agreement which I could not afford to pay as I have been unemployed. The agreement was cancelled as a result. I want to go back next year for 3 weeks to see my children....will I get stopped at the airport?

Reply from no-worries 10 years ago.

Nope, you wont get stopped for Civil debt

Reply from abc123 9 years ago.

Hi, I'm in Australia. I'm from New Zealand and wanting to go back for a holiday. I have a credit card debt and bank debt. Will i be able to leave NZ or will I get stuck there due to these debts? Any help will be appreciated.

Reply from debtfree 9 years ago.

I left Australia with a 55,000 debt and moved to Peru, then Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. After five years of debt the original debt was sold to a debt collection agency. These guys will chase you to the ends of the earth to track you down, they will phone your relatives friends, and even get a hold of your FB page if you accept strangers.

Once they know where you are they make a financial decision as to whether they can legally make you pay. In NZ they can, and in the US they can especially because most companies and banks have connections in those two places.

After another year, I passed through Australia applied for a sim card for my mobile and it is considered a credit check. This sets off alarm bells in the Credit Crop and they started phoning me. In Port Moresby they got me when I opened a bank account, and with they they got my employer infor ans started phoning again. I sought financial advice from a credit supplier here and he told me, if I am not planning to live in AUS again (ie credit cards, loans mortgage) don't pay them, otherwise negotiate the crap out of it.

I got interest free for the next 11 years it is going to take me to pay it off at $100 per week. If I had a lump sum to pay them I could have taken 10K off it, and if I really could not afford to pay even the 100 per week, I could have asked for 50, or less. I had to weigh up what they would have to do to get my wages garnished here.

They might get 100 if a judge was on my side, assuming they would bother... but then their legal costs are mine. Bottom line, if you're not planning to return to AUS in 10 years, forget it, don't pay them. The worst that could happen is they find you, seek legal advice for where you are and chase you down. Chances are they cant do anything.

DONT PAY if you can. The original bank has already sold the debt.

Reply from sunflower 9 years ago.

Hi, can anyone help me. My good friend left Australia 7 years ago after finding her husband was having an affair but she never paid her last year of taxes. She had her own business and was earning 200k approx. what could happen to her if they find her?

Reply from home-in-ireland 9 years ago.

Hi, like many of you here I had to leave Australia suddenly. I was on a 457 visa but lost the job and had to return home. My visa was since cancelled. I have received an email and recently a letter from Baycorp simply saying please call us regarding an urgent matter. I'm at home for good, but I'm also out of work and can't afford to pay off this debt. I've no idea how they got my postal address here in Ireland. What can I do?

Reply from back-in-nz-debt-in-aussie 9 years ago.

So, I lived in Aus for a few months in 2010. I decided to leave suddenly due to 3 bereavements in my family and come back to NZ for good. I had 2 credit cards, 1x CBA $4k and 1x ANZ $3k. I was an idiot and couldn't pay them back and then life just took over I guess. I'd like to go back to Aussie to visit my sisters who have moved over there with their families. I was contacted by a credit company for the CBA CC, and I now OWED $11k... I currently have a payment plan with them for the next FOUR years at $100 per week because the interest will still be charged. Lion finance is now calling me everywhere at work, friends, etc for the ANZ Credit Card - I can't afford to pay more... A) Will this stop me from entering Australia at the end of this year? B) Can I just ignore them and hope they eventually go away?

What I'm really scared about is that they will take me to court.

Can anyone offer me advice???

Reply from pip 9 years ago.

Hi I was wondering how to go about a bank debt in Australia. I had $1500 overdraft and up and left Australia 5 years ago without paying. I want to pay off as I would like to go back and holiday. I'm very scared to ring the bank and make payments. HELP! What should i do?

Reply from help-me-please 9 years ago.

hello could you please help me I am an Australian citizen and my partner is British but lived in Australia with permanent residency. We moved to the UK about 3.5 years ago but want to go back for a holiday and a visit with family and friends. My husband left behind an ATO debt and a credit card debt. I declared bankrupt after a failed business. Will we have any troubles upon entering the country. Any help or advise would be much appreciated.

Reply from mr-traveller 9 years ago.

CIVIL DEBT will not stop you from travelling at all it doesn't matter how big it is. Note some company's now do INTL CREDIT CHECKS. But government debt will put you in a bad situation Any government agencie that you owe will then be tracking you and therefore you will be at risk. So hopefully that answers your queries.

Reply from interested 9 years ago.

Can Australian debt collectors outsource a debt to recover monies owed if the person is living overseas?

Reply from funnyboy 9 years ago.

Depends what country your in and even sub-areas have their own conditions. For example in Canada if you live in a certain area, the french speaking region there is an agreement between them and Australia for proxy legal action, i.e. take you to court on Australia's behalf while living there.

There is a list of countries that Australia has shared courts agreements but I forget what its called. Otherwise if the debt collection agency manages to find your contact details, they may even try tracking you down with things like facebook, all they can do is ask you periodically to pay the debt.

Reply from nicole22 9 years ago.

Hay I lived in Australia 4 years ago, had a bank loan for 5g and came back to nz without paying it back, am going to see my aunty in aus nxt week as she is sick and can't travel ... will I be stopped getting in? Thanks

Reply from i-am-jay 9 years ago.

My Student visa got cancelled in Australia and I came back to India (2008 to 2010). I used credit card (8000$) and phone bill. Right now I am in India but planning to move to Australia, would there be any issue getting student visa for Australia again ?? This time I will be on my dependent visa. Any comment or answers will be great help. Thanks

Reply from roland 9 years ago.

I work in Thailand. I owe the ATO 23,000. I am throwing in odd amounts every month. I plan to fly back to Australia to seem my family. I am concerned that I may be stopped from leaving the country because of this debt. If I am unable to return I will not be able to continue my work. Is there as risk? What can id o?

Reply from abc123 9 years ago.

Hi I left australia 2 years ago owing a $2000 fine issued by the south Australia courts. I was on a working holiday visa. Will I get stopped on arrival if I go back to Australia?? Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers.

Reply from fitz 9 years ago.

Hi i have an Optus bill that i haven't paid, stupid data charges, I am just wondering will it effect my credit rating back in Ireland??

Reply from ramp 9 years ago.

Hello, I have the same story. I left oz two years back with 3000AUD commonwealth bank debt. Now I am applying for Permanent residency, will my case get affected by the debt or will be needing to pay the debt before my case gets rejected by immigration?

Reply from too-ashamed 9 years ago.


I owe around 35k on credit cards that I'm unable to and don't no if I should go bankrupt however my partner lives in the United States and he wants me to move over to be with him and to start a family, however he doesn't know I have this issue as I'm to ashamed to tell him. I know if l pick this option l can't leave the country without permission so l thought if l just leave I won't have to worry about that. Does anyone have any advice?

Reply from beth-g 9 years ago.

I know this is ridiculous considering the kinds of debt seem to be in on this thread but I've got my holiday visa accepted for aus but I've got a gym debt of $120 from when I did a working visa there. Immigration wont stop me because of this will they?

Reply from concered 9 years ago.

Hi The only reason you will be stopped and questioned at the exit/entry airport/port for non payment of debt in Australia or New Zealand is where the debt is to owed to either government i.e. fines,child support etc. you can make arrangements to pay the debt then (cash or card),and your travel can continue.If you don't then it is likely you will not be permitted to continue your travel,so sort something out before you go. Civil debt (loans,credit cards etc) and having a bad credit record in either country are no concern to border control,and will not stop any travel.

Reply from bazzzzzi 9 years ago.

hi i owed 1000 dollars debt of credit card to NAB and I left Australia in 2013. I paid the minimum payment till 2014 and then stopped. now applying for Australia PR. Will this thing come up when I apply for police checks and also will be iI be living in prison when i come to Australia?

Reply from 18months-in 9 years ago.

Hey! I have a bank loan outstanding of about 30k from 2012 and currently owe some money to ece credit which I'm paying off bit by bit. I need to fly to Australia this week for a family emergency just wondering if I'll be stopped? Not too sure any advice is helpful thanks

Reply from worried-mother 9 years ago.

I live in Australia and am in a great deal of debt eg; Morgage, Car loan and a Part 9 Debt Agreement. I have lost my job after 23 years and I need to return to NZ due to health reasons. I am thinking of foreclosing on my Morgage, having my car repossessed and cancelling the debt aggreement which includes Credit Card and Bank Loan debts. Any idea what consequences I could face in NZ. There's no way I could possibly pay these debts as I will need to go on an Invalids Pension in NZ. Worried sick !!

Reply from stressed1 9 years ago.


I'm in the same boat. I have a credit card/ loan debt in Australia from five years ago which would be well over 35k now. I live back in New Zealand and get regular harassing phone calls from the debt collection agency. I can't afford to live and pay them back.

Reading through what people have said there seems to be a mixed opinion that they won't be able to do anything and they will be able to chase you through the courts. Does anyone have a firm answer on this?

Reply from crossing-borders 9 years ago.


Please advise. I have a debt to a law firm for 100K in Australia.

If I leave and go to NZ can I be chased for the debt in NZ.

Will I be questioned at immigration if I return to Australia.


Reply from new-start 9 years ago.


I have a truck on finance, credit cards and loans. Unfortunately due to family reasons I have to sell my truck and move back to NZ. I can't afford to pay any bills back and I need the money I make from selling the truck. Can anyone tell me what will happen?

Reply from rocko 9 years ago.

Hey I left Oz back in 2011 Dec. I had few debts like credit card and few fines to pay (never had vic license). I drove on local licence as I was an international student. So, now i want to move back to Australia under skilled migration. Do i need to worry about my application being rejected? pls help

Reply from sleepless-in-australia 9 years ago.

What can we do - my fiance lives in America and I want him to live here in Australia but he has a child support debt. He wants a paternity test done as the dates of the child's birth don't match the time he was with the mother. The mother has forged legal documents and the state won't let him plead his case. He doesn't have money for a lawyer. What can he do? If it's his child he will pay. If it's not he doesn't feel he should have to pay. Can he travel to Australia with a child support debt and pay debt while living in Australia?

Reply from cee29 9 years ago.

Apparently same situation: I have had a Vodafone debt worth of $5,000 plus interest and I dunno may they send it to Baycorp this was yr 2012. Then overdraft from national bank nz, i had creditline unpaid maybe $4,000 and some infringement fine. Oh and credit card that may be will cost another $3,000 dunno if i return to NZ will be okay or not. But i was in Oz last december no prblem at all. dunno nz immigration. Tho

Reply from drunk-driver 9 years ago.

Hi Lost licence in OZ (NSW) for drink driving. Court fined $900 odd bucks. Left country in year 2000 owing $200-$300 on that fine And had debt of $5000 owing on a bank credit card. Planning to go back and live again with family. Could anyone give advice if there are going to be any complications: At Airport? for entering Australia again. Applying for drivers licence? (Can pay off the remaining problems whatsoever) With banks? For applying for another credit card or taking up mortgage etc.. It has been 16 years since I visited Australia. Please advise..

Reply from kaz 9 years ago.

To: #57 response from Too ashamed at 15:01 on Sat, 9 April 2016,

I had the same issue. I decided to tell them. Better to have it out in the open.

Limitations in Oz are about 6yrs. Therefore, plan wisely if you do decide to leave. It is best that they know. Mind you, if it is a civil debt you will be able to come and go.

Hope it works out for you both.

Reply from bundy 9 years ago. card debts are civil..nothing to do with Gov't...A bank will chase you for 7 years,after that they cannot take you to court..What happens it stays on your bad credit list as money to be paid.. A lot of people here are not giving enough info: to help them..Immigration have nothing to do with these debts ,but if you owe the A.T.O..or Centrelink then that.s trouble,as you are dealing with the federal Gov,t..cheers to my $30,000 bank debts..I t may have an effect,if you go for a loan,or credit. Bundy..

Reply from stupid-question 8 years ago.

Hey guys so I know this is nothing like the rest of the questions, but for my own piece of mind.... If I'm in Australia on a working holiday visa, and I just cancel my bank account and refuse to pay the rest of my direct debits to a gym membership, will this impact my chances of coming back on day ?? Or is this just so irrelevant, and I shouldn't worry ??

Reply from gandhi 8 years ago.

Hi. I had to leave Australia as my visa was cancelled, but I have debt of credit card, agreement of house where i was living, phone bills 10k, my car debt around 10k and some vicroads citylinks road fines of around 3000. Am I eligible to go back to Australia?

Reply from mrblobby 8 years ago.

Hello all! If I took out a loan with a short term loans company then was to cancel my bank account and leave Australia to go back to the uk(I'm a uk resident) without paying the loan back, would I be chased up for this?!

Reply from prospective-canadian-migrant 8 years ago.

Hi, I was in Australia for about 47 months. Was there in a student visa with my dependent wife. I had a Credit Card from 3 different institutions amounting almost AU$ 20,000 and also three different mobile monthly plans on my and my wife's name separately. I was continuously paying all the monthly bills and payments for more than three years and until we both left Australia permanently in mid of 2012. We had to leave Australia because my student visa got cancelled.

Now, me and my wife are planning to immigrate to Canada. For that, I have to submit National Police Check (NPC) from Australia. My concern here is 'IF MY DEBT OR BAD CREDIT BE MENTIONED IN THE AUSTRALIAN POLICE REPORT?' Will that police report mentions about my debts and/or bad credit?

Your brief advise will be highly appreciated. And thank you in advance for your advice.

Reply from baycorps-most-wanted 8 years ago.

How about unpaid medical bills in Australian hospitals? Is that considered as government debts?

Reply from love-to-move-to-nz 8 years ago.

hi kind hearts... please give some info.... I'm fully sunk in bad credit in au. I like to move to NZ and start my fresh life. will the australian credit history fellow up....Nz? Can i apply any loan/ credit card in Nz? please give some info.... my advance thanks

Reply from aussie-bound 8 years ago.

Hi!!! Can someone tell me if it is ok to go thorugh the immigration process if u have a baddebt. The limit of the card was $1,200. This is for australia. I am planning to apply for immigration. I visited Australia for studies and didnt pay the credit card dues on the way back.

Please let me know.

Reply from stressed1 8 years ago.

My husband has a credit card debt in which we entered into an agreement to pay but the payments have gone a miss. They have contacted him to tell him its been 7 months and are threatening to have his passport cancelled. I say its bullying and they can't do it. Am I correct?

Reply from brad 8 years ago.

hi, I am about to leave australia, I have debt with court fines and mobile network company. all together about 5000. any idea what will happen ? cheers

Reply from benny 8 years ago.

Hi I'm going back to uk for a holiday , but I have an unpaid train penalty and around 3k of debts will they stop me at the airport? Please let me know

Reply from helpplease 8 years ago.

Hi I am married to an indonesian lady and I have been living in Indonesia off and on for years. I have debts that i am now in default from. apparently the default will stay on my credit rating fro 5 years so I am thinking I may as well go bankrupt to clear this debt But Im worried if I go bankrupt will it affect me trying to get my wife a visa and eventually residency in Australia? any advice appreciated

Reply from thanks-to-the-wise 8 years ago.

..who may have recent experience/knowledge in Australian civil debt following my return to NZ. My 3 year old civil debt has been sold on and the current debt owner is leaving voice mail for me at work and has sent me an email through my personal email account, wanting me to contact "to discuss an important matter" (which I have yet to do). Where do I go to get advice?

Reply from thinker 8 years ago.

What if ur not an Australian citizen and owe 30,000+ Went to apply bankrupt but was told I wouldn't be able to leave for 6 years If I did Anyone know if I can just go home and not return ever again

Reply from jonboy 8 years ago.

Hello, I was an international student in Australia but I left there last year. Recently my friend opened a letter of mine which was delivered 8 month ago. Told me that I do owe ANZ $800 because I forgot to pay my credit card debt. Recently I'm considering back to AUS for a travel, will I be stoped at the airport on arrival?

Reply from superpuffi 8 years ago.

Hi there, was in OZ for 4 month in a 457 but only worked god 3. Stupid me thought I can get some tax back & turns out I owe $3k! I'm since back in the UK but I'm worried ATO will find me through UK tax office here in the UK.

Does anyone know if they'll be able to sue / find me?

Reply from lollipop 8 years ago.

Any Personal loans or Debts will be completely cleared out from your name after 5 years in a different country that you are still owing..

Reply from ozsponsor 8 years ago.

Ok, So I am in Oz and a citizen, married an Irishman ended up in DV situation, currently have DVO in place - he's currently on a Temp PR awaiting PR - we are now separated and immigration is still to be informed, what can happen to me as the sponsor if I don't inform immigration of the separation? and also he has credit cards in his name and a tax debt (personal) and a failed company tax debt (from when he was on a 457 visa) if he gets removed from the country, will i end up with his debts due to being married to him?

Reply from kiwi-mark 8 years ago.

I have debt of personal loan and left aus without paying Now planing to go on visitor visa after 3 years ban completion do I get any inquiry or won't let me in aus. Just curious to know.

Reply from cikiwer 8 years ago.

Hi, my husband just left Australia with 50k credit card debt. I have decided to live separately from him and not follow him back to his origin country. My question is: If I want to rent my house to someone, is there a possibility a debt collector chasing my ex-husband will turn up to the house? And all the assets in my name, is it possible they will ask me to be responsible for my ex-husband's debt?

Please help.

Reply from mateen 8 years ago.

hello, i left australia in 2008 with a 60k aus dollar credit card debt. the debt was made up of several outstanding debts from different credit cards. ing, bank sa, national. i moved to europe, opened up a bussiness here, 9 years later i have a credit card from ing germany, car house all under my name.. i never ever had anyone asked me bout that debt in australia. in 2015 i was in australia for a 5 week visit and had no problems at customs. i also have student debt of about 25k

Reply from micheedom 8 years ago.

Hi I'm leaving AU back to America due to pregnancy and loss of Job with 20k debt. Will they chase me in America and if I don't pay it will it affect my American credit score? I'm not planning to comeback to AU Thanks

Reply from confused-citizen 8 years ago.

I left Oz 3 years ago with fines and a Vodafone bill totalling $3000, leaving was all good but I need to go back for 3 days later in the year to a different state, will I be stopped at the airport?

Reply from solution 8 years ago.

i had $8000 debt credit card on Commonwealth bank. i left AUSTRALIA in 2014. Now me and my wife wants to apply for student and spouse visa. Will it effect my visa processing? Or will airport authority gonna stop me?

Reply from summer201 8 years ago.

#91 - i am an australian citizen and have a combined unsecured debt of $100k from different credit providers. due to personal situations I have had to relocate overseas for the foreseeable future but intend to return back to australia after 2-3 years. I am not a home owner and I dont have any job in australia. What are the legal actions that any of the creditors can take against me? I was reading that a creditor can enter a court judgement against me (which would make the debts enforceable) and if the court issues what is referred to as a "examination notice" - and if I dont respond to it, there could be an arrest warrant against me? Can anyone confirm this? or correct me? Would greatly appreciate any response.

Reply from in-need-of-advice 8 years ago.

I was on Student Visa in Australia in 2008-2009. I lived there 8-9 Months & left Australia With 4 mobile Contract Debt. Now After 8 years i Want to move USA. Can this Cause Any Problem in Migration?

Reply from aussieoverseas 8 years ago.


We left Oz early 2000's to move to the UK. Centrelink caught up with us 9 yrs later to say we owed about $7000 due to overpayment on child benefit. We had no idea, we left Oz with no other debt but apparently the reason was my husband had not filed his tax return for the last year we were living in Oz, again after 9 yrs not living there this was also news to us. So at the time I investigated (difficult given the time & distance) but we were certain we didn't owe anything as hubby was the only one working at the time. Centrelink kept coming back with lower amounts til it was finally reduced to about £3000. After just a few weeks they stopped sending letters so we just assumed they accepted we don't owe it. This was 6 years ago and 15 yrs since the original 'debt' was due in their eyes.

We did visit Oz in 2010 which was 18months before they wrote to us in the UK and we had no issues entering & leaving Oz then. Now we are wanting to visit again to see family in 2018 but I'm starting to be a little concerned that we'll either have to start paying something we are certain we don't owe OR we'll end up spending our holiday time trying to get bank statments back 15yrs which I don't even know if that's possible.

With this issue being so long ago (15yrs), do you think we will get stopped on arrival in Oz? If yes will our options be payment arrangement (begrudgingly) so we have time to prove we don't owe it?

Thank You

Reply from fifa 8 years ago.

My husband left australia nearly 2 years ago and moved to ireland but since he moved here he now owes child support. We have a child together now and have another one on the way and would like to go back to visit will he be stopped leaving the country if we went on holidays.

Reply from toni1 8 years ago.

Can someone please help. I had to leave NZ after an awful marriage break up and my Mother ( in my home country) developing brain tumours. It has taken me 4 years to get a FT job, still only on minimum wage. I left 5K in credit card debt, cell phone was cancelled but I think I had one bill I didn't pay ( was paying the Phone off as well) and My student loan. I was severally depressed and flat broke, should have claimed bankruptcy. Anyway, I want to go back to my children. However, not sure If I can live there again just yet (im still a permanent resident) will I get stopped at the airport If I try to leave NZ ? Please Help, please don't judge, I was in a very very bad place at the time.

Reply from fridgeman 8 years ago.

I found my wife cheating on me in 2009 and I left Australia and she left not long after. She just gave the keys back to the bank over the counter apparently for the house we had a mortgage on and flew out of the country. She was running up debts and also putting a lot of pressure on me. She also left the keys for the car in the driveway in the car. All a very big mess. We have since divorced etc and now I'm happily married again 8 years on. I'm thinking of travelling back to Australia do you think I may get stopped at the airport. Probably a very stupid question...

Reply from jt 8 years ago.

Hi All, I wanted to share my story. I left Australia with debts $20k in 2007 and had traveled back to Australia on many occasions. I have recently just moved back after 10 years and within the 1st month I was contacted by a collection agency. Call #1 - She asked me to confirm personal details so I replied "Sorry I am busy and can i take your details", I never called back Call #2 onwards - I received a number of calls at 8am from a No Call ID, which I never answered. Call #10 - My mother received a call and she did not disclose information. Then last week I got a mail addressed to me and my ex, plain paper with "Please call us 1300.... in relations to an urgent matter" then the next day I received a FINAL NOTICE from Baycorp for 34k. I have done extensive research and base on my findings....Any consumer loans (CC, personal loans etc.) become a statutory barred debt after 6 years from the last missed payment. Therefore its critical that you do not admit to the debt or acknowledge otherwise it gives them a option for judgement for a further 15yrs. Today I sent a letter to state that I do not acknowledge and the debt is statue barred. Lets see how I go.

But I wanted to make clear, during my 10 years, I traveled back to Australia about 5-6 time with no issues.

Reply from rmd 7 years ago.

I'm a dual citizen Australia and U.K , I owe the bank 30k for a personal loan. Recently moved back to the U.K I can't afford to pay the loan back. Will they chase me for it? won't be coming back to Australia for a very long time. Any advise would be great.

Reply from curious-44 7 years ago.

Hi I'm owing 600AUD to a money lending corp online and I have been out of work for a year now and can't make arrangements to pay. I'm travelling overseas for a few months to visit families, would I get stopped at the international airport from departing Australia?

Reply from bc 7 years ago.

I have a credit card debt of 20k. I was paying it and just couldn't keep up. I live in Australia and have flown in and out over 8 times. End of October will be 5 years since I made a payment. Debt collectors keep calling my old employment (I haven't had a call since this month)and they keep telling them she doesn't work here. They call more than once a day. I googled a website that does free credit check. It says as of October 28th 2017 my name will be clean again if that makes sense. This is the reason collectors have started calling again this month because end of the month case closed. I know someone in the same boat after 5 years they could get credit again they even got a 55k car which they obviously paid for. It is a civil case (bank loan) usually you can travel but if you owe the goverment money you can be stopped at the airport.

Reply from captainj 7 years ago.

Hi, I have just found out that i have a tax bill in Australia dating back 8 years. Will they stop me if i re-enter the country?

Reply from mason 7 years ago.


My brother move overseas but got a outstanding car loan and he left his car in Australia. Can I still sell the car under finance in his name?

Reply from collectorvg 7 years ago.

To #105 If it is tax debt then it is likely that you may be detained at the border, though this depends on the amount outstanding.

To #106 If the finance is in your brothers name then no you cannot sell the car, unless he can sign it over to you. The best option would be to contact the finance company and surrender the car, they will repossess it and auction, the proceeds will be credited to the outstanding finance owed.

Reply from jlo 7 years ago.

Hi I've just been slapped with a total of 10k tax/capital gains owed to ATO. I'm a British citizen now living in Britain. I will need to go back to oz in next few years will I be able to enter freely if I don't pay?

Reply from d87 6 years ago.

To #108


It is highly likely you will be stopped by border officials with fines owing to the ATO and be refused entry to Australia, as you are owing money to the government.

If your fines relate to you failing to lodge your tax returns when you were residing in Australia one thing you can do is make contact with an accountant in Australia and explain your situation to them.

Best case scenario they will be able to lodge for your tax return for the year(s) you were residing in Australia. Once the application is successful then the accountant can apply for the additional fines to be waived on your behalf.

Hope this helps.


Reply from lyn 6 years ago.

Bottom line guys, border security/customs can not stop you at the airport unless you're wanted for a criminal activity. Owing money to banks is not illegal.

Reply from pom-back-in-blighty 6 years ago.


I left OZ five years ago and I reckon my credit card debt was up to about AUD23000. I have made a few payments as and when I can and have received an email from Baycorp asking me to contact them. I'm pretty sure that they can't touch me from over there.

Reply from nanda 6 years ago.

Unless you are in political exile You will not be forbidden of entering your own country because of anything. Does not matter the charges you have. You can be a murder and you will still be able to entry Australia if you are Australian. Same for other countries.

Reply from feez 6 years ago.

Hi. I would like to ask. I have some debt owing a phone company for my bills. I was studying in Sydney and was using Australian mobile operator. I have returned to my home country for good but I didnt cancel my subscription so my monthly bill keeps recurring. Emails from their representative lawyers were sent to me asking for payment. Will it be a problem for me to enter Australia for a holiday if I have not settle that debt? Thanks.

Reply from tthebutterfly 6 years ago.

They can’t stop you for civil debt. I know that for a fact I have been and gone from Aussie recently and I had no problems.

Reply from hardworker 5 years ago.

Kept paying credit card even after leaving Australia with massive exchange and transfer issues.I have 100K super there doing nothing and tried convincing folks difficulty in paying from overseas may get me bad credit rating and my super is doing nothing for me there.Being a citizen but not living there for years has done this damage now.Simply could not service debt on genuine reasons.My old age benefits have spoiled my present living on non payments. Thanks guys, understood i may not be send back when I go back to die there.

Reply from australian-debt 5 years ago.

Hi, I lived in Oz for a few month and obtained a Westpac credit card. I re-located to NZ (im from the UK), we're settling in NZ. However I have lost my job and unable to make payments. Can the debt be written off? or if I stop any payments can they come after me and will it affect my credit score in NZ? thanks.

Reply from sensational 5 years ago.

Omg guys stop asking the same damn questions. If your debt has something do with the government like student loans, child support, taxes & fines.etc you may be stopped from leaving the country or returning to the country. If your unpaid debt is secured by an asset like a vehicle/boat/house.etc they will repossess it and sell it to pay off the debt, if it doesn’t pay off the owed amount they will try chase you for it, but they cannot stop you leaving and returning into the country. Debts from credit cards, bank loans, utilities.etc doesn’t matter how big, cannot stop you from leaving or entering. They can place a judgement on you tho so unless you’re certain you’ll never return then I wouldn’t bother paying . Your creditors will just sell it for a fraction to debt collectors and write it off. Debt collectors can be a nuisance but usually can’t do anything especially if you’re overseas, so just ignore them. (Not sure about Australia-New Zealand tho)

Reply from faris 5 years ago.

Thanks everyone 🙏🏾

Reply from cowboy 5 years ago.

hi. I am a nz citizen who lived in Australia for 10 years. I incurred debt and used a debt recovery company to declare insolvency. I have been back in NZ for 1 year now and been paying this debt fortnightly for one year from nz to Australia . They now want to increase my repayments substantially which is what I originally agreed too, however my financial situation has changed alot. What should I do? I can't afford it and I can't call them as they simply will not provide a phone number i can call from NZ. Im very worried.

Reply from notmyneighbourhood 3 years ago.

I have lived in Australia in the past and I left with bank and credit card debt in 2016. I am looking at moving back next year 2023. Just wondering how this debt would affect me upon my return?

Reply from gurpreet 2 years ago.

Hi I left Australia in 2013 with credit card and bank loan debits on international passport so i am planning to move to Australia as NZ PR so do you think my current credit history will be bad because of all the debt i left. Can i start my credit history as New ? Thanks

Reply from ally 2 years ago.

Hi there, I was in debt and the only debt that will stop u entering or leaving a country are the ones that u owe towards the government, such as ird court fines or police fines. Hope this helps. Every other debt, such as debt collectors, won't really matter.

Reply from robin-thalia 2 years ago.

I have unpaid debt of $70k in NZ, if I don’t pay will the debt haunt me in Canada?

Reply from tommy 2 years ago.

People, if you don't owe tax to a government, ( or possibly court appointed debt) they don't care .. civil debt from banks etc is lent to you at their own risk ... if you live in different country Don't pay if you can't afford it , spent it on food n stuff for your kids .

Reply from planningtoflyoff 2 years ago.

I have done a thorough research on debt in Australia and whether not paying debt is a civil / criminal case. Not paying your debts is actually a civil case and you can enter / leave freely as you like in Australia. The only catch to not paying your debt is that if you ever want to stay in Australia for good, your chances of getting financing for housing, car, etc would be close to 0. Do take note however that debts get automatically cleared away after a 6 years uncontactable period. It gets triggered within 6 years if a creditor were to chase you and you respond to them. So do not respond to your creditors and do not come back to Australia to live within 6 years. Hope that answers your question.

Reply from roccog 2 years ago.

I have left Australia 20 years ago iv moved back home to New Zealand and left bank loans $114000 ruffly the total and didnt appear to my court for recklace driving. I have insurance and superannuation entitlements would it still be there to claim today 2023. And 20 years later ??? help! Life insurances etc haven't been back since I'm scared I might get arrested

Reply from debt-now 1 year ago.

I have found that after 6 years from your LAST pyment - whether through collections or from the lender, the debt is wiped. I am currently being chased from 2017 which is about to expire. After 6 years, the debt is cleared.

You can move freely although it took them 6 days to track me down since i landed back in Australia.

Reply from nzwantingtogotoaustralia 1 year ago.

Hi all, I lived in Australia back in 2014 I have unpaid debts with debt collectors for short cash loans that I didn't end up paying as I moved back to NZ haven't paid them all I suspect they have gone to debt collectors now.

Can I still enter Australia or will I be stopped by customs? I have no doubt to any government agencies just debt collectors. Can anyone give any advice please. I wanting to go to Australia for a holiday.

Reply from rare-japan 1 year ago.

Unless these debts somehow became a criminal matter (i.e. fraud) customs will not care about them. You will not be stopped.

Reply from meme 12 years ago.


tHANKS meme

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