None (yet)
Posted by leaving-dunedin 17 years ago.

Should I get a job in Australia before leaving New Zealand? Or is it easy enough to get a job after arriving?

My wife and I are seriously considering moving from Dunedin to Melbourne. I have been applying for lots of jobs in Melbourne in my area of work (science/technical) but have not had any luck. I suspect that no one is interested in me because I am not in Aussie, so would not be available to start work for quite some time. Does anyone have any experience with this? Has anyone secured a job before departing NZ? Could I realistically expect to find a decent paying job after arriving? I am keen to do any sort of manufacturing work etc. We have a 1-year-old baby so really need to have an income as soon as we arrive. Is it wise to arrive with no job?

18 replies, the latest on 11 March 2022.
Reply from flickchick 17 years ago.

My experience (and that of my friends) is that, yes, if you aren't already in Australia then generally people won't give you too much time (unless you happen to have skills that are very much in demand). One option you might consider is getting in touch with temp/recruitment agencies to see what demand is like for your particular skills. You might even want to register with them (if you can, without being in the country) to pick up some temp work until you find something that is a better fit?

Reply from hazzagirl 17 years ago.

My husband has applied online for 4 jobs in adelaide and has said on all cover letters that he is available to fly over between week-apart dates. they have agreed to this so my husband is flying over for a week to do these interviews. If you are serious about moving you have to put yourself out there. Good luck!!!!

Reply from suga 17 years ago.

I applied for a job monday night online, he rang me tuesday morning, i flew out tuesday night, had 4 interviews wednesday day and had all 4 job offers that night. If you really want to work over there then definately have a look around. I was so overwhelemed with the job offers i almost fell over. I had been hunting here in NZ for months and finally decided to try my luck in Aussie. The job market is just crazy and you should have no problems finding something.


Reply from leftakld 17 years ago.

we left NZ with no jobs but made sure we had sufficient money behind us and were very focused in what we wanted on arrival.I started jobhunting 2wks after arriving in Brisbane,to have a rest first so i would have a startdate in mind at job interviews.I applied for 4 jobs between Monday and Thursday, was offered all jobs and chose the 1 that met my needs,including more money for less hours. Agents are very good,no nonsense to deal with.Most important is to be organised and have a list ready of what you want from your future employer.In our case we were also debtfree leaving NZ which made jobhunting once we arrived a pressure free situation to be in which we found to be a good thing.Good luck.

Reply from drana 17 years ago.

i went for a holiday in may 08, applied for a job whilst i was there and xplained to the employer that if i was offered the position then i would relocate to australia, i had an interview whilst i was there, came back to nz, 2 months later i have been offered a position and am now in the process of moving!

Reply from anonymous 15 years ago.

Just moved from Christchurch to PERTH jobs are plenty here need i say more

Reply from clone278 15 years ago.

I have come to understand that there are various tax breaks that a kiwi can take advantage of if he/she gets a job before moving over, i.e. you have been "relocated" to Australia. E.g. you can write off 50% of your rental expense against income, etc

I've tried looking for details which confirm this but have come up with nothing. Does anyone know anything?

Reply from aloha 14 years ago.

go to centrelink in australia and ask about the help for rent and finacial help for job seekers, but first have to register in centrelink with registration number like job seeker and they will help you with money in advance for rent,bond etc. plus regularly fortnightly payment like job seeker

Reply from amy 14 years ago.

Suga - what type of work were you applying for? ie Office work/IT sales/Nurse? Thanks :)

Reply from meme 14 years ago.

Hi out there. My husband and I travel to Aus X2 a year, the kids and grandkids are there. We have made the decision to move over. My question is - I am 54, my husband is 61 - the chances of employment concern me at our age. We both deal predominately in the customer service, tourism feild - (tour guides/Hosts/Security with our National Museum). Advise on employment prospects at our age...cheers, P.S. Our move is to brisbane

Reply from baycorps-most-wanted 13 years ago.

Looking at moving over in a few months by myself with no kids. Im in my early twenties I've had heaps of jobs but I dont have any formal qualifications, will this be a problem? Im looking at moving to Brisbane and staying with relatives until I settle into some work and have some money

Reply from wellington-girl 13 years ago.

Anyone in Brisbane willing to hook this kiwi girl up with a Admin job that pays good money ie 50K+

Reply from linda 12 years ago.

I am a kiwi single mum with two young australian kids. I did a PhD degree in engineering in Auckland but i did not finished it as I did not have enough support. I have been searching for decent job with no luck in NZ, so it is time to move to OZ to find a better future. As i never work in NZ, is there anyone especially single parent with same situation can find job in OZ without experience. I only have $5000 in the pocket, but no friends and relatives in OZ, do you think it is the right thing to do? I get bored living on DPB for 2 years as it is not my life style. Since my kid are Australian but receive no financial support from their OZ dad, do you think i can receive family tax benefit A and B wihout waiting period? Am i entitled for childcare benefit if I work or study?

Reply from jj 12 years ago.

Hi Linda, did you have any luck with your thoughts on movng to oz? I am in a similar position... I am a single parent and also want to relocate to oz and have no family or friends over there either, and have found no job prospects in nz and am also tired of being on the DPB.. I know (as an NZ citizen) I have no entitlement to the equivelenent of the DPB in australia for support when I arrive until I get a job and the only financial assistance I would be entitled to would be Family assistance and a childcare subsidy, however with your children being australians maybe you might have more entitelements but you are definately entitled to Family Assistance and Childcare..

I wont be able to relocate over there unless I already have a job to go to but it seems that this wont be easy to set one up first..

Can anyone out there shed any light on how possible it would be to organize work first before relocating, and if there is other financial aid/allowance for the relocation without having a job oranized?

thank you

Reply from jj 12 years ago.

Hi Linda, did you have any luck with your thoughts on movng to oz? I am in a similar position... I am a single parent and also want to relocate to oz and have no family or friends over there either, and have found no job prospects in nz and am also tired of being on the DPB.. I know (as an NZ citizen) I have no entitlement to the equivelenent of the DPB in australia for support when I arrive until I get a job and the only financial assistance I would be entitled to would be Family assistance and a childcare subsidy, however with your children being australians maybe you might have more entitelements but you are definately entitled to Family Assistance and Childcare..

I wont be able to relocate over there unless I already have a job to go to but it seems that this wont be easy to set one up first..

Can anyone out there shed any light on how possible it would be to organize work first before relocating, and if there is other financial aid/allowance for the relocation without having a job oranized?

thank you

Reply from pk 8 years ago.


I am planning to move to Melbourne this coming year, currently I am working in IT (integration SAP PI/PO development, testing and support) if anyone might help in finding a job. Thank you.

Reply from eddie 6 years ago.

Hi I am moving from Auckland to Melbourne and looking for teaching positions in Business schools. Any info or help would be highly appreciated. Regards

Reply from kate 3 years ago.

Hi , My family and I are looking at travelling abroad to Gold Coast in the next coming months. Is there anyone out there that could help us out regarding work . My husband is a qualified electrician and is currently working as a junior project in construction . The plan is for him to move there first and for our two kids and myself to follow a month or two later. We are from Auckland New Zealand . Any help would be appreciated. Regards Kathryn

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