None (yet)
Posted by komata 16 years ago.
Renting our home in New Zealand
We are intending to keep our home in NZ when we move to Melbourne and rent it out while we're away. Has anyone else done this and if so, do you have any advice, thoughts or observations you can share from your experiences?
3 replies, the latest on 14 January 2013.
Reply from franko 14 years ago.
You have to still pay a Tax on income earned by renting your house in New Zealand the best person to advice is your accountant
Reply from anton 13 years ago.
The good news (on top of the bad news in having to pay tax) is that if the rental income is your only income in NZ it will be taxed at the marginal rate, I think at 13%.
Reply from nzer99 12 years ago.
As long as you have a property manager you'll be fine.
As per NZ laws to rent out a house you must have a property manager managing it if the owner is out of the country.
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