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Posted by char23 13 years ago.

Pets and Temporary Accomodation- Is it possible?

Me and my partner are moving to Wollongong (NSW) in about 3 1/2 months. We are taking 1 cat and 1 dog. I know that you have to give your address before you move pets, but is it allowed if you give them a temporary address? (in case you don't get rental before you move). Alternatively, has anyone had much luck renting a house in aus before you move? Any info would help!

3 replies, the latest on 29 June 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Yes that's fine to give a temporary address to the pet moving company. Most people need to do that as it's hard to get permanent accommodation sorted before arriving!

Reply from kats 12 years ago.

Is it difficult to secure rental accommodation if you have a dog - moving to Perth early next year and we have a 13 year old jack russell - would appreciate other dog owners experiences

Reply from wannamovetoperth 12 years ago.

it is easy to get a rental with a dog, if moving to Perth, but i think the issue is actually getting a rental fullstop. Landlords over there are normal and actually realize that dogs are part of some peoples families, unlike here in NZ where landlords hate dogs....except our landlord. I have family in Perth and we are moving over next Christmas, wages in NZ are terrible. I wish you all the best, live life to the fullest, move to OZ!

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