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Posted by kpk 17 years ago.

NZ citizen wanting to bring Indian fiance to Australia

Hi there, I am a NZ citizen living in Australia. I would like to bring my fiance to Australia from India. How can I do this?

3 replies, the latest on 25 March 2009.
Reply from vish 17 years ago.

Hi there.. Your wife will need to apply for a New Zealand Family Relationship (Subclass 461) Temporary residence visa to accompany you. check this link out on Aus Immigration website - for reqd. info on forms, fees and other relavent information. The visa is valid for 5 years and your wife will be eligible to apply for a renewal.. processing time can take upto 4 months.. You (as a potential SCV 444 visa holder) WILL HAVE TO accompany her on your onward journey from India to Australia, and your wife WILL be required to take Australian private health insurance cover as she will not be eligible for Medicare. Hope this helps.

Reply from vish 17 years ago.

a thought: if she's your fiance, she might not be able to apply for the above visa till you get married. check the link above and clarify with the local immigration office regarding your specific situation.

Reply from nzjono 16 years ago.

We were not married and were not together for the 2 years stipulated by the Aussie Immigration to be consider a defacto relationship. However the Austrlian visa processing office in NZ were very helpful and allowed us to get the correct visa for my partner by just supplying supporting evidence that we were in a stable and serious relationship. This was through photos, and a few letters from friends. No dramas.

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