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Posted by katrina 14 years ago.

Need advice on moving to Australia. Do my children get any benefits seeing their father is Australian? I'm a Kiwi.

Hi there,

My partner of 9 yrs was born in Australia but is a NZ permanent resident. He now wants to go back after 23 years and we want to follow on after he has sorted out work and a place to stay. Destination Melbourne. We need some good advice on rental properties, schooling, shopping, healthcare etc - basically the whole lot. Kinda feels like we're moving to a different planet sometimes! With the three kiddies 3y, 5y and 8y I want to be as prepared as I can. Also what are the benefits to my children of having an Australian-born dad? What is the best area in Melbourne for a friendly, young family? I know I'm not alone so please help. Very nerve racking but exciting.

1 reply on 12 August 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

It can make it easier for them to get a permanent residence visa in Australia and then citizenship if they have an Australian dad, as they can get a family visa. However, permanent residence is optional for NZers living in Australia.

There is a lot of information on this site about rental properties and healthcare. Do you have some specific questions about schooling and shopping?

There are lots of great areas in Melbourne for families to live in. Northcote is very popular for familes as is Balwyn and Box Hill, but that's just 3 potential suburbs out of dozens!

All the best with your move!

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