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Posted by lilbear 14 years ago.

My sister and I are moving to Melbourne with two small dogs. Will finding a flat together be difficult?

We want to live in the same flat but separate rooms, both with very small dogs, and are concerned at how difficult finding a flat in the are surrounding the University will be. Also we will be needing jobs in hospo as soon as we get there. Is this plan unrealistic? We don't have anyone to stay with upon arrival either. Any advice much appreciated!

Reply from forum moderator about 1 year ago on 27 October 2023.

Here's a recent (18 June 2023) news report that talks about how tenancy laws are changing to make it more difficult for landlords to say no to pets.

This article is about South Australia but the same changes are happening throughout Australia.

3 replies, the latest on 13 October 2023.
Reply from rare-japan 1 year ago.

The law has changed in recent years and landlords must have a good reason to refuse a request to have a pet in a rental property. How that works in practice I'm not sure!

Here's some info from Consumer Affairs Victoria about pets in rental properties:

Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Finding a shared flat in Melbourne can be competitive and it does make it harder having dogs, as some landlords and flatmates are very fussy about them. I think you should be fine, but just be prepared to have to live in temporary accommodation for 2-3 weeks while you find a place to live. As for jobs, hospitality jobs are fairly easy to get as long as you have experience.

Reply from bp 12 years ago.

Sorry but yes you are being pretty unrealistic . Accommodation in Melbourne is very hard to find with pets especially dogs and the places that do allow them are overpriced and a bit rough . Also having the dogs with you will make it hard to get a job . Good luck but I'd try and see if a friend or relative would take them off you .

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