None (yet)
Posted by gabby 13 years ago.

Moving to Brisbane with 3 small dogs in January 2012

We have just accepted an offer on our house. We are looking for a short term rental that will accept 3 small dogs {Bishons} and 2 cats, we also have a 12yr old girl. Ive been looking for short term furniture hire while our stuff gets shipped over without much luck, most want a 12 month rental agreement.

Were looking to buy in Edens Landing at this point as houses seem nice and hubby can commute to work when he finds a job.

Any help on these wee problems is appreciated :)

2 replies, the latest on 31 July 2012.
Reply from mygismo 13 years ago.

Hi Gabby, I would also like to know how you got on for shifting your furniture and dogs over as I intend to do this shortly myself. I'm looking at renting in the Brisbane area also but still got to find a house/flat and job. I'm finding it hard to find a good shifting company, who are you using and what part of NZ are you shifting from?

Reply from kimmyb 13 years ago.

HI. We are moving to Brisbane on 30th August 2012. We have arranged packing and shipping with Crown Locations - they wrap and pack directly into the shipping container on our drive (we have heard that people moving to Aussie from NZ can no longer pack their own gear - have to have a MAF/Customs certified packers). We are taking most of our 3 bedroomed house contents, have a 20 cubic metre, sole use container, price quoted was $9,200 but managed to get them down to $8,200...the insurance is VERY expensive though - $2,950. The insurance is for a bulk price. $111,100 – if we lose everything, we get a cash lump sum, because our house contents are pretty close to this amount, we think it’s worth paying for peace of mind (thinking of the Rena disaster here)

We also asked Crown about transporting our two small dogs, the Crown sales rep said to go to the pet transportation company they use direct to avoid their mark up fees. We contacted Venture Pets. They are making a 'shared' customs certified crate so the dogs can travel together; they are dropping the crate off a Napier Airport for us to collect. They have arranged same day flights (we could choose the day!) so no overnight kenneling needed. Plus making sure they go through Customs clearance in Oz...all this for $1,200 NZ (we made enquiries to JetPets with the same travel arrangements and they quoted nearly $1,000 more)

I hope this helps

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