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Posted by louise 15 years ago.

Moving to Australia - where to start?

Myself and my 2 kids are planning a move to Australia. Where do we begin?

1 reply on 15 November 2010.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Well there's quite a bit involved and I highly recommend reading through the site to get an idea! But to give you a very brief summary:

  1. Decide when and where you'd like to move to in Australia.
  2. Work out if you'll have enough money to get there and support your family while you look for a job. You'll need living expenses for several weeks as well as enough for a bond and at least 4 week's rent. This is very important!
  3. Research schools and rental/house prices in the city/area you'd like to live.
  4. Research jobs to see what's available.
  5. Sell your house/belongings that you don't want to take with you.
  6. Open an Australian bank account online. If you've got friends/family in Australia, ask if you can use their address for this and other things where you'll need a mailing address, such as Medicare.
  7. Register with the IRD as a non resident for tax purposes.
  8. Find temporary accommodation and ship over any belongings you wish to take, over and above your baggage on the flight.
  9. Make sure you take important documentation with you like your passport (obviously!), termination of lease agreement/sale of house agreement, birth certificates, closure of bank accounts, shipping documentation etc, as you will need it to apply for Medicare.
  10. Make the move!
  11. Apply online for a tax file number.
  12. Find a job.
  13. Find a place to live - rental property or buy a house. This can take some time as the property market is much more competitive than in NZ.
  14. Find schools, childcare etc.
  15. Get your Medicare card.
  16. Get your Australian driver's licence.
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