None (yet)
Posted by jazzyjaz 14 years ago.
Me and my boyfriend are both 18 and want to move to Australia (Brisbane). He is going to be staying with family for 3 months before I go over. Is there anything i can do over here (in nz) before moving over?
1 reply on 23 June 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.
You can open a bank account online and start sending money across if you want to. You can also research rental properties in Brisbane on sites like and to see what's about and prepare for the costs involved. Apart from that most things have to wait until you arrive (like getting an Aussie driver's licence, Medicare card etc), but it's also handy to read up as much as you can about the city before you go so you know the basics of public transport and so on. If you haven't already, read through our site on preparation to move to Australia so you know what you'll need to do when you get there. All the best!
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