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Posted by gareth321 8 years ago.

Kiwi Moving to Melbourne

Hi All,

I am in the lucky position of being offered a good job over the ditch and I am currently weighing up my options. I'm not one to bounce around, and if I decide to move from Auckland to Melbourne I'd like it to be a good long term move for me. What concerns me is that so many Kiwis are moving back to NZ of late.

I'd love to hear of people who have made the move, or what people think about the move in general. Is it still worth the move? Is the quality of life good over in Melbourne? I hear mixed things about the weather, for example.


2 replies, the latest on 10 February 2017.
Reply from mbeth 8 years ago.

The first year is always hardest, I missed everything about home, friends, family, food etc. But the money in Melbourne/Australia is just too good. I love the weather here, you will acclimatize, just ensure your house has air con (they are all required to have heating). Housing here is really cheap compared to Auckland, and Kiwis tend to band together and socialize easily. I've found the people in other states and the country to be much nicer than Melbournians, but that could be just me.

Reply from kiwi 8 years ago.

I moved to Melbourne from Auckland in August 2016 for a new job and I'm considering to move back to Auckland. I just can't stand the extreme weather, too hot and too cold, it's very unpleasant. Plus flies everywhere, even in the city, dozens of them jump on your back to hitch a ride or want to hide in your mouth. It's the first time I've experienced something like that & I've traveled a lot! I don't wish to offend anyone but just relaying my experience. I have found the culture to be rough, there's a lot of crime, they're not particularly friendly unless they want your money if you're shopping. Although rent is cheaper, other things are more expensive. Supermarkets are not that much cheaper and places are much farther to get to. Trains are not that well connected as you would expect. NZ is lovely and green & clean whereas Melbourne is dry dry dry... Yarra has a noticeable smell, city generally dirty/ grubby feeling. Strange thing we also noticed people had some serious Body Odour, not only on hot days. Workplace: I work for a global firm and it's not as friendly or welcoming as other countries that I have worked in. Life is short, I tried it but end of the day it's not for me.

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