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Posted by buzzby 16 years ago.

I've got a gun licence in NZ, does that make it easier to get an Australian one?

2 replies, the latest on 09 July 2013.
Reply from marcus 12 years ago.

Just got mine in Queensland.

Basically your NZ gun license will waive the requirement of having to do a safety course.

The only other thing you will have to do is fill out a statutory declaration saying you have no criminal record in NZ that would preclude you from having a license and have it signed by a justice of the peace.

Apart from that the process is the same as for an Australian. You won't be able to apply until you are living in Australia and have proof of address like bank statement etc. You will also need a safe as secure storage at your house or you can get a mate with a safe to store them, he just needs to have his license and put his address on your application form under the storage section.

You need to prove genuine reason for owning a firearm, easiest way is joining a gunclub like the ssaa or written permission from a land owner for you to shoot on his land.

As for importing firearms, can't do it until you have your license, which if done online takes around 6 weeks. After you have it you can import weapons from NZ the same as any Australian can. Check the weapons licensing section of the Queensland police website for details.

BE aware that you will not be able to import semi automatic long arms and pump action shotguns (pump action rifles are fine) unless you have a cat c (Semi auto and pump shotguns and rimfire) or cat D (semi auto center fire) license, which is near impossible to get unless your are a farm owner/worker or professional shooter.

ALL weapons here need to be registered here (even paintball guns and crossbows). and the permit to acquire and ownership transfer has to be done through a gunshop. The permit can be done online on the police website, takes 28 days for first firearm and around 3 days for every other one.

Getting a pistol License in Queensland is largely the same process as NZ. Once you got it you will be able to import you pistols same as long arms, however you are restricted to 10 shot mags so may need to put a stopper in the base of your mags to reduce to 10 shots. Also we have two categories of pistol here, 9mm/.38 and below, and everything else. Need to have the first cat for a year before you can get the second one.

For any other info check the police website for your relevant state, or ring them directly. A phone call is usually the fastest way to find out what you need to know when dealing with weapons licensing. Another good source of info is the SSAA, sporting shooters association of Australia. Google them.

Reply from justkiwi 13 years ago.

Even though this is an old post:

Each of the states have a different set of rules for a gun license and it would be best to check with the relevant state's police to see what the requirements are, however in general they are a lot stricter that in NZ

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