None (yet)
Posted by frustrated 17 years ago.

Is there any way to get around the application fee for a Permanent Residence Visa?

I have lived in Australia for the past 7 years on the Special Category Visa (SCV)and have just been made redundant. I am unable to get government help unless I become a Permanent Resident, which costs $2000. Clearly I can't afford this and I find it ridiculous that I've been paying taxes for 7 years and am unable to get anything back. I would think that once I'd been here for 10 years I would automatically become a Permanent Resident, but I can't seem to find this information anywhere. If anyone has any ideas or knows anything, please let me know.

6 replies, the latest on 10 August 2010.
Reply from kiwi 17 years ago.

When did you arrive in Australia? if you arrived before changes occured on the 26th of Feb 2001, then you are considered a permanent resident for social security purposes. You may still be a permanent resident for social security purposes (i.e. you can get unemployment benefits) if you arrived within 3 months of that day, but I think you need to have applied for a certificate from Centrelink.

If you do not meet those requirements, you will need to apply for a permanent visa, which would cost $2k+. I don't think you can avoid the fee unfortunately. And even after 10 years, you won't be considered a permanent resident for social security and citizenship purposes. It just means that it's harder to deport you back to NZ since you have lived in Australia for so long.

Reply from diane 16 years ago.

I am in the process of getting a permanent visa as I arrived may 2001 and yes it costs and arm & leg. Luckly with all 3 kids under 18 I can get them on my visa at no extra cost.

Reply from ukkoru 16 years ago.

In 2001 Australia changed the laws for NZ citizens wanting to live in Australia. After 2001 you no longer become become a permant resident, you have to apply for it - and its not that easy as they no only have 7 catagories you can apply in. You are right you have been there for 7 years working and paying taxes and get nothing. And what makes it worse you cant be over the age of 45. Yet our goverment allows Australians to come here and are automatic "Permant Residents" with no age barrier, and then become a citizen after 5 years of living here. We and not REALLY recipical with Australia. As you have now found out.

Reply from jojo28 15 years ago.

I am also in a position where I have been here for 4 years and still can't access any form of help or medical or social services, education etc.. I'm an apprentice chef by trade, hoping thats my best way in as it is a needed skill, its very frustrating. If I'd been here just a couple of years earlier then I would be fine...

Cranky 21 year old Dunedin chick/Aussie "wannabe"

$2000?! To live here?! They should pay us to come here! Especially at my age.. there's so much raw potential and we're made just as unwelcome as if we were non english speaking otherside of the world freaks. I have paid my taxes, worked very hard, and never had any help and its not always easy, I am still trying to get medicare..

Australian and New Zealanders fought shoulder to shoulder and stand together on ANZAC and I just ask myself "what's wrong with this world."

Reply from djb 15 years ago.

Well we are a Kiwi family over the age of 45.....we have been here 3 years.Our children want to go to TAFE /University here in Brisbane.They have to pay in full no discounts,No youth allowance like their friends to help out with Transportto school ect. .So what happens to our kids how do they apply for res ? there is no one to talk to its really hard.We pay taxes too....

Reply from angel-julz 15 years ago.

Very interested to know if anyone can answer the above question please.

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