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Posted by bingo 17 years ago.

Is it worth the move?

I am thinking of moving to Melbourne later/early next year from Auckland. But beside the lifestyle, the gap between salary vs expenses seems to be small.

I am on 40k here in NZ and my living costs here don't allow for much savings. Having read that someone spent 12k on moving alone, is it worth the move after all compared to what you'll earn/spend over in OZ? Note that I am a single male. Ta

6 replies, the latest on 30 December 2011.
Reply from chairbro 14 years ago.

It definitely worth it in my opinion, there are more opportunities to earn higher income, the living expenses are lower (we have found anyway) except medical insurance but you can choose not to have that.

Taxes are lower, petrol, electricity, consumer goods are cheaper, more places to go on holiday and cheaper, less GST etc.

You can always go over with next to nothing, suss it out before spending the $ to move everything over.

Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.

My bet is that you can live more cheaply in Melbourne than in Auckland, all things considered, if that is your goal.

Food on the whole is cheaper here (particularly dairy products), and if you know where/when to shop (markets etc) then your food expenses will be noticeably less than in NZ.

Rent is more expensive in/close to the city, but you can always share with flatmates or live further out. Public transport is far better here than anywhere in NZ so you can get around easily enough without a car (we've been doing it for 12 months now - a car comes in handy for sure, but you don't need one).

Add a higher salary to the mix and you should be able to increase the gap between your income and expenses, if you have the discipline. Remember, it's a big city with lots to do so it can be really easy to spend your money.

Reply from kiwi 17 years ago.

Don't forget the taxes are lower in Australia too....

Reply from nzdong 14 years ago.

If you do technical work, the pay difference is at least 30%. If you are a good engineer, the pay difference can be 50% or more.

Reply from true-kiwi 14 years ago.

The wages in melbourne I found were not that great, unless you wana live right in the city, which means majorly high rent, although I'm currently living about 40mins away form the city and my rent is really high, not to mention, the cost of water bills, insurance,(especially if you live in a lower class area) I don't think it's that much better at all!!

I lived in Adelaide for 2 years and got better pay and living expenses were more affordable. I'm in the processes of moving home, home is where the heart is! Good luck!

Reply from moviefan 13 years ago.

YES, definitely worth it, I suppose it depends on the job your currently my is anyone migrating to NSW???

BUT NZ will always be home (so never say never)

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