None (yet)
Posted by greenvan 11 years ago.

Is 55 too old to re locate to Australia from NZ and will I qualify for an Australian pension?

Reply from forum moderator over 1 year ago on 7 November 2023.

As of 1 July 2023, it is easier for all NZ citizens of good character to become Australian citizens. This may or may not be part of your plans but it means that it is now much simpler for older New Zealanders to establish a long term life in Australia.

So long as you have no trouble entering Australia, you will get an SCV on arrival. This is all you need (from a visa point of view) to move here to live. Once you have lived in Australia for 4 years, you are considered a permanent resident for citizenship purposes and you can apply to become an Australian citizen - and receive the corresponding privileges that brings.

Prior to 1 July 2023, it was very difficult for older NZ citizens to live in Australia long term as the path to citizenship had age restrictions.

As for qualifying for a pension, there are two aspects. The first is receiving a pension as a NZ citizen while living in Australia. You can find information about that here:

The second is whether you would quality for the age pension in Australia. This is income and asset tested. You can find details about that here:

4 replies, the latest on 07 November 2023.
Reply from flissty 11 years ago.

Hi Greenvan -in short -no it is not too old. In my opinion.

Moving anywhere though depends on what you have to do with your time, how much money you have who you know ,where etc. You need to think about what you would live in and do I guess.

No, you will not qualify for the Austrlaian pension unless you are an Australian citizen. And that is a status that is hard to gain unless you immediately fit one of the categories they want (check the Aus Immigration website for these) and even if you do fit one of those, it is an expensive and lengthy process ( years).

If you are a NZ citizen and meet the criteria outlined on the Income Support website for NZ superannuation you will get that in NZ or Australia (from age 65 at the moment). If you are in Australia, they will pay you the same amount as you would get in NZ but in Aus currency. Not the Aus pension amount.

Hope that answers your question.

Reply from linda 10 years ago.

My mother and father are thinking about immigrating to Australia they are both 74 yrs old to live with me. I am not a citizen of Australia but have lived and worked here in Australia since 2002.

Can they come and live with me and still receive the pension from the NZ government and or will they qualify for any pension when they get here in Australia

Reply from rare-japan 1 year ago.
Buy Us A Coffee?Have we helped you? Please keep this site running. We‘ve helped thousands of people with their move to Australia but very few give anything back. Maybe you will?