None (yet)
Posted by nicolanz 17 years ago.

Is 4 weeks rent and 4 weeks bond standard for getting into a place in Melbourne? I have heard it can take 6 weeks for your TFN to arrive, can you work before you get one?

Also can anyone recommend a short stay hostel/budget accomodation centrally located that is cheap and cheerful? Thanks heaps

4 replies, the latest on 25 July 2010.
Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.

Hi Nicola - you can get a good idea of the bond required by looking at sites like In our experience, 4 weeks bond is pretty common but it does vary - some places are only 2, but others are 5. For places under $350/week, the bond cannot be more than one months rent. Places over this threshold have no such limit. Some good advice about renting is in the following guide published by Consumer Affairs Victoria:

Reply from kiwi 17 years ago.

Your employer would generally ask you for a TFN when you get your job. You are under no obligation to tell them you TFN, but they may withhold tax at the rate for non-residents. You are better off having your TFN first, but you can just let your employer know that it's coming and tell them to wait.

And even if they do tax you too much because you didn't have a TFN, you can always claim it back at the end of the tax year.

Reply from bb64 16 years ago.

Hi I am moving to Australia soon, well thats the plan am applying for work etc. I was thinking of taking a trip over soon to check out some suburbs and more jobs and was wondering if you are able to get a TFN without actually living there yet? I know you can get a Bank Account so long as you have the right documents and have an address to send mail to.

Reply from best-answer 15 years ago.

usually it is just 4 weeks rent standard over there!! that is your bond...It is best to ring 1300 720 092 the day you arrive, they will provide you with all the information you need to know...they will send you a form to complete and to send back to them...once they receive this it takes up to 28 days for your TFN to be sent to you in the can work without one, to be taxed appropriately and not at a higher rate while you are waiting for your TFN, there are declaration forms you can complete so this doesn't happen and you don't have to wait until the end of the financial year to get it will need to discuss this with australian tax representatives on the above number...they will provide you with all the necessary information and how to fill in the right forms.

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