None (yet)
Posted by nelly 17 years ago.

I'm on the DPB in New Zealand with 3 dependents and want to move to sunny Australia. What if any help am I able to receive from the Australian government?

I am a solo mother.

28 replies, the latest on 04 January 2019.
Reply from mumof3 14 years ago.

some people are so rude whats wrong with wanting to know if theres extra help out there for when we move until we get on our feet dosnt mean we coming to australia just for a benefit its just a kick start help till people find a home settle in and get a job and being a solo pregnant mother i know how difficult it is trying to have all the money together an wanting to know if theres some kind of help out there till after our children are born you people r so rude an think to much of yourselves selfish country of up tight snotty arogent people

Reply from mum-of-4 17 years ago.

From what I have read you are not able to receive a benefit of any sort, other than family assistance until you have resided as a permanent resident for a minimum of two years. If you plan on applying for a job immediately then you will be able to apply straight away for some childcare assistance and family support payments. See the Centrelink website for details

Reply from james 17 years ago.

You cannot get any benefit, but you can work and get family assistance. But, if you are getting child support from your childrens father, it is classed as income and you will get less family assistance.

Reply from shaznay 17 years ago.

Hi there. Im a mother of one child and am pregnant at the moment. I hope to move over to melbourne to have my second child there. I am not with the father of my first child but i have a partner now that is going to support me, my daughter & our unborn child. Am i able to receive any benefit of some sort? Im not sure what to do and this is a big move for my family

Reply from supergirl 17 years ago.

I don't know where the above information came from, but it seems to be INCORRECT!! The dpb is not the same as an unemployment benefit.

Please refer to the following WINZ booklet "Are you going overseas" for more specific info - and let me know how you go!

Reply from kiwigurl 16 years ago.

We have just moved over, Feb 09, you are entitled to Family Assistance, which is kinda like a payment for the children. You are paid per child and it is dependent on how much income you have coming in. You may also be entitled to Rent Assistance (like accom supplement). You are not however entitled to anything else until you have officially been a resident in Australia for 2 years

Reply from kiwiinoz 15 years ago.

even after 2yrs you won't qualify for any benefits. Kiwis can live and work here indefinitely but are not considered permanent residents. If you are not skilled you will not be able to get permanent residence unless you marry an aussie or upskill to a job considered good enough for permanent residence. You have to pay for any uni or polytec (tafe) courses upfront as we cant even get a student loan. We have been here for 5yrs and hubby is a truckie and I work in a supermarket and have been told by immigration to separate and marry aussies cause if we can't afford to upskill then we will never qualify as our jobs are not good enough to get PR. Even when we have been here all our working lives we won't qualify for a pension after retirement and will have to have all the money to support us in the bank as the govt won't help us even after paying taxes here most of our adult lives.

Reply from mslocke 15 years ago.

im pregnant with my first child and im moving to australia with my partner and his family. il be 6months when i move and i was wondering if i will be able to recieve any assistance before or after baby is born?

Reply from aussiewill 15 years ago.

Due to changes in federal social security you cant expect much from centrelink if your a kiwi if you wernt living in aus on the 22nd of feb 2001, then your not actually a permanent resident.. you hold a SCV (an electronic visa).. unless you actually were granted pr status. to get help from centrelink for most benefits you need to hold pr status or citizenship excluding some working for families stuff, reguardless of how long youve lived there for.

ontop of this, SCV holders cannot apply for citizenship untill they have lived in aus for 4 years as a pr status holder.. and to be granted pr you need to be a 'skilled migrant' (teachers, doctors, lawyers etc) have a clean criminal history and under go medical, security checks and so on.

basically, dont leave new zealand if your planning on living off a benefit in australia. Some new zealanders take moving to australia for granted and dont realise they've got it easy. quit complaining, if it was any other country in the world you wouldnt get your foot in the door if your not skilled enough to be granted pr status

and for student loans, the federal government will never loan a kiwi a penny.. however they will fork out the commonwealth contribution (which is about 75% of the costs anyways) so your paying the same price an australian would pay.

if you want to move to australia.. YOU WILL HAVE TO GET A JOB :)

Reply from flow 15 years ago.

I can't believe how many people expect to move to our neihbouring country and expect their government to support us. Come on people, it just shows us that alot of new zealanders expect hand outs just because they have kids. You need to support yourselves and your families. We should be greatful we do not have to adhear to the strict immigration guidelines other countries have to go through to get into Australia.

Reply from flow 15 years ago.

I can't believe how many people expect to move to our neihbouring country and expect their government to support us. Come on people, it just shows us that alot of new zealanders expect hand outs just because they have kids. You need to support yourselves and your families. We should be greatful we do not have to adhear to the strict immigration guidelines other countries have to go through to get into Australia.

Reply from melissa 14 years ago.

I agree, get off your butts and figure out how to support yourself instead of researching on how to get government assistance in AUS.

Reply from christine 14 years ago.

What is the point of moving to australia if going on the dole? You are just wastin the taxpayers money and your time comin over to australia. You can't get any benefits anyways. Either stay in NZ or u wanna move to OZ, LOOK FOR A JOB

Reply from inoz4good 14 years ago.

I immigrated from NZ as a single mum in 1989 and it was hard going, working 2 jobs and going to Tafe. The grass is not greener on the other side and no one should consider coming to Aus without the proper qualifications to gain employment. Forget about getting any benefits from the Aust Govt. I currently volunteer for an organisation that flies misguided kiwis home as they have arrived here under the delusion they will get benefits from the govt. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! The cost of living far outweighs the income from a minimum paying job, that is if you can get one! This is a brilliant wonderful country and the opportunities for those who have good relevant qualifications can reap the rewards. Being away from family and friends when you dont have any resources can take its toll on anyone. So! Dont immigrate until you have secured employment and always check your kiwi qualifications are valid in Australia.

Reply from susan-in-perth 14 years ago.

maybe not everyone is asking that question because they wanna survive on a benefit! dont be so harsh!!! we know we have to work, its just a question, re childcare/family support/parental payments and how it works in Australia. After all this site is for asking questions and to reslove issues regarding the move not for everyone to make their own opinions and to judge!

Reply from johne 14 years ago.

We are a New Zealand family looking at moving to Australia. I am a teacher, my husband a chartered accountant. We have two young children and I would like to have another baby. We are not looking at how we can get social welfare, but it is useful to know whether there are laws or requirements against having a kiwi baby in Aus. So please dont be harsh to people simply asking questions about whether their move to australia(in the hope of a better quality of life)will be supported in any way. We are all aware of the fact that we NEED to work. Thanks:)

Reply from smile 13 years ago.

i'm pregnant and looking at moving to australia before i have bub..any know of safe, cheap places to live?? and yes i will be trying to get a i can settle in and find a childcare centre i'm comfortable sending my child to..if all you're going to do is b*tch about people wanting to escape NZ then don't bother coming on this's for the people who care and want to help..the school system here is not fantastic and crime against children is steadily increasing..i would like to know....if i give birth in australia, am i aligiable for the dpb??

Reply from tash 12 years ago.

Wow some of you are harsh but see where you are coming from, ill be moving over to auz end of this year but i will have a new born and toddler im not expecting to bludge i will have some savings but was wondering about child care etc as i really want to get back into work but was wondering if they help with child care while looking for work because how do you expect to go to job interviews with no Childcare help? I am not wanting to bludge

Reply from oz-looks-good 12 years ago.

Oz looks like the best career opportunity. Unfortunately, some countries provide excessive benefits, for example: the DPB. Therefore, why work when one stay on the benefit. This destroys a countries economy, particularly health service funding. I respect OZ laws, such that you're welcome if you want to work. NZ provides needless funding to most beneficiaries, when they need to provide 'get back to work projects'. Ie. NZ roadways are poor and need work; childcare facilities need more workers; and volunteer agencies need help. Due to state of the NZ beneficiary focused economy, workers are taxed higher and are suffering with continually decreasing wages compared to OZ. OZ wages represent a norm or the western world; yet, Kiwi wages are at least 1/3 - 1/2 less than OZ wages. I do not consider any previous posts are considered 'rude', only realistic. Too many people are looking for a hand-out because they are not realistic, and need to recognise the value and true rewards of good work ethics. After 20 yrs working in NZ, I look forward to moving to OZ from NZ. Regards, JP Health Practitioner

Reply from maa22 12 years ago.

Help ,, I was living in Brisbane(aus) for two years but recently came back to Nz just last year to have my first born .. im a single mother with a 6 month old now ; we have no contact or fnancial help from the father what so ever but he lives in brisbane still . I plan to move back to Perth(aus) at the end of this year or the start of next year i was wondering if there any help i can get from centrelink about my situation .. i plan to be looking for work when i arrive though ...

Reply from hend-char 12 years ago.


Reply from oz-looks-good 12 years ago.

Hi, You will have assistance from Centrelink, if you're an Australian citizen. However, if you're not an Australian citizen and want to live in OZ, your best option is to obtain employment. Fortunately, in OZ, childcare and rent is subsidised, if you are at a lower income level. This is a reasonable option, as most single parents work, obtain childcare, have a better quality of life, primarily due to significantly increased discretionary income, and greater self-esteem, compared to relying on the benefit. Additionally, you must declare the father to Centrelink, then the authorities can garnishee his income, and you will be provided with child support. A win-win situation! Consequently, if want to be a beneficiary you would have to stay in New Zealand. I understand some single parent's would find it difficult to work. Fortunately, New Zealand social services (WINZ) will readily find you a state home, even in a comfortable beach side town, pay your rent, cover all medical expenses (no surcharges), and provide you with a generous beneficiary allowance. I recently reviewed NZ state homes and they are all exceptional. Now, NZ state homes are all insulated, carpets and curtains are regularly replaced, and you can even get home help services, such as cleaning and lawn mowing. I hope this info helps.

Reply from kiwi-girl 11 years ago.

New zealanders work hard here to stay here no benefits here for us nothing so if you do make the move be prepared to work and get no hand outs. we been here for 8 years and its hard.

Reply from kiwi-2 11 years ago.

If you plan on moving here from NZ then yes, be prepared to work. New Zealand citizens are not eligible for any benefits whether you have children or not. There is no such thing as DPB here however, you can apply for a family tax benefit provided your children are dependent on you and are of school age. But be prepared... The family tax benefit per child is bugger all. You would not cope financially here if you are a single mum and expect to just survive on that. A lot of New Zealanders are moving here and staying with family until they get on their feet which is the best way to go. We have been here 9 years and paid over $100k in taxes. I am now no longer able to work due to a back problem, fortunately my husband has a good job and is able to hold the fort. It is shocking how we are not entitled to any assistance and yet we have worked hard and paid our taxes since arriving in the country and from what I know, a lot of New Zealanders do come here to work, not bludge. We are hardworking people and the Aussie employers know it which is why we get jobs. One minute the Aussies are saying 'we are stealing their jobs' next minute they're calling us bludges. Make up your damn mind! Fact of the matter is, if you want to move here, do what we do best and work hard otherwise don't expect any assistance from this Government until you have lived here for 10 years.

Reply from chris275 10 years ago.

My partner and I have split up due to me not being a capable father. Apparently because all I do is work, go home, go work, go home, even tho I earn up to 90,000 a year before tax. She now wants to take the kids and go on a benefit for child support here in Australia. We have been here for 4 years. What exactly are her chances? I don't mind paying for my kids weekly direct to her, but she does not want the help. She thinks she will get half of my income the other way. Any info would help. Thanks.

Reply from louise 9 years ago.

Hey there did you make it over... love to chat to you

Reply from nzmumof1 7 years ago.

Hello, I'm a single parent looking to move to AUS for career opportunities for myself to provide for my 5 yo.. I'm worried about raising my kid in a big city without family to assist . I have family living in Sydney and Brisbane however would really like to know what life is for single parents moving from NZ. I have good work experience and is looking to move by end of 2018, I have a lot of savings and will definitely secure a role. your experience is most welcome. Please be nice too hehe :)

Reply from jellyfish 6 years ago.

If you arrive after 2001, and your kids are born in nz, you wont get any support or ftb in oz. If you have oz born kids and you are kiwi, you are entitled to ftb and rent assistance, however, it isnt much. As a kiwi, you wont get ANY help from centrelink until you have been here for 10 years and then you only get a once off payment for 6wks to 6 months (no more/longer) of newstart (income support payment) Unless you have the money to pay to become a citizen (but then if you had the money to do that, why would you want to go onto a benefit) the requirements to become a citizen are ridiculous, you have to be in a job working for x years in the same company and be making almost 6 figures (last i checked, it was 98k). For a oz to go to nz is heaps different, they can be in nz for 2 years and recieve benefits for life. If your going to move to oz, have money, dont rely on centrelink cos they wont help. And dont forget with your super, you wont be able to get it out under any circumstances even if your on your arse, they dont care.

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