None (yet)
Posted by universalerin 16 years ago.

I'm an Aussie going back to Australia after 8 years in NZ. How do I find out what my Australian credit history before I leave NZ?

I defaulted on a loan in Australia in 1999. Will that be an issue?

4 replies, the latest on 13 October 2023.
Reply from melbourne-maven 16 years ago.

You can request a copy of your Australian credit history online using sites like this: They charge AUD 27.00 for the service. I'm not sure if you can obtain a copy for free like you can in NZ under recent law changes. Anybody else know?

Reply from kiwi-chick 16 years ago.

You can get a free credit file listing your credit histiory and any defaults from: - they can do NZ & Aus also.... Have a squiz...

Reply from petrice 9 years ago.

Old debt from Australia to New Zealand

There is a limit if time that they can collect the debt of 6 years - once you get passed this you should be ok as long as you do not admit liability to the debt - even if they contact you.' read the article below They don't stop you at the airport for civil debt only goverment debt like fines, tax and such

Reply from coral-st-helena 7 months ago.

Bad debts generally expire in Australia after 6 years unless:

it can be revived by subsequent payment or acknowledgement of the debt.

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