None (yet)
Posted by dave-smith 13 years ago.

If my son does his year 11 Ncea in NZ can they be swapped for oz credits ?

We are moving to oz next year but we are Concerned about our sons education he Will be a Year 12 student and would have Done ncea level 1 I think as a year 11, so will he be able to exchange Ncea credits for oz credits towards what he needs in Queensland For pass marks or would we be better off moving early so he can do Year 11 in oz too. Also if he wants to go to Tafe or sunshine coast uni will he have to pay the fees upfront I.e when.can he apply for student type loan , does he have to Be a oz citizen

8 replies, the latest on 19 April 2023.
Reply from nzuksteve 13 years ago.

NCEA level 3 is generally considered the same as an Ausie Senior School Cert of Edu (QCE in Queensland), and is the minimum requirement to enter an Australian university unless you are a mature-aged student. On applying for a Uni place in Australia, a NZ school leaver with NCEA level 3 usually applies via UAC (QTAC in Queensland), who will then contact the NZQA to confirm the certificate results. Look up QTAC on the web about this.

It would be advisable to contact your son's prospective high school in Australia regarding his NCEA level 1 equivalence, as this may be judged according to the subjects he is taking, but he shouldn't really be disadvantaged by shifting halfway through, although doing the Ausie year 11 and 12 would allow him to acclimatise better.

Regarding university fees, I'm afraid all NZer's on an unprotected SCV 444 will need to pay their fees up-front (usually per semester), unless you already have permanent residency or resided in Australia prior to 26th Feb 2001.

Most Queensland undergraduate university courses are allocated a CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) subsidy, which greatly reduces the standard domestic university fees, and luckily NZer's are eligible for this. The only way to raise the fee otherwise is to apply for a bank loan! Not fair, but it's a reality all NZer's face when wanting to study in Australia.

Good Luck!

Reply from daughter-with-ncea-l2 12 years ago.

Hi, We are planning to move to Brisbane @ end of this year, my daughter is in year 12 and she'll have NCEA Level 2 and few credits on Level 3, will this be enough for her to enter universtiy in BnE or can she take year 12 again in BNE to get enough credit to be able to enter university there.

Reply from nzuksteve 12 years ago.


Remember NCEA level 3 is the MINIMUM requirement for entry to a university course in Queensland. If you know where you will be based (at which highschool) you should enquire directly as to any top-up courses, otherwise it might be wise to sit the Australian year 12 instead. This would also give your daughter time to get used to the small differences in levels and teaching methods and would ultimately prepare her 'better' for uni life in Brissey. Remember repeating a year at this time of life is 'drop in the ocean' when compared to studying as an adult student.

Please note that she may get credit for the NCEA 3 units she already has etc.

Hope this is helpful.

Reply from mangere 12 years ago.

Hi there. I'm year 12 here in New Zealand and am currently doing level 2. My family are planning to move to Australia soon, in the middle of the year however, would that mean I would have to repeat in Aus even if it means I achieved with Excellence in Level 1. Would my level 1 results contribute to my results in Aus? and you know how New Zealand starts the NCEA system in year 11, when does it start in Aus? So that if my results from New Zealand aren't contributed, I would start school in the year in which the system in Aus starts as I don't want to miss out on anything important. You know what I mean... I also want to know if Australia's educational system is better than New Zealands? And if moving to Aus in the mid of the year is a smart thing to do? and what year would I have to start? Thank you, much appreciated if answered. Sorry there's a lot of questions :-)

Reply from daza 11 years ago.

hi im moving to australia end of this year my daughter who is year 11 next year 2014, which is her NCEA exam year in New Zealand, what is the equiventent of this in Australian secondary Schools.???

Reply from steven 11 years ago.

Can someone help me. Due to a accident my daughter failed to finish Level 2 NCEA back in 2010. She tried level 3 but due to pain did not finish this also. We have moved to Australia and she has made a full recovery and now been offered a full sports University scholarship in the USA but is 15 credits short on achieving level 2 which is the requirement. Can anyone suggest a easy way to get the credits

Reply from a-person-from-nz 9 years ago.

Hey I was just wondering I'm year 12 next year and I want to go on exchange in the USA is there any way I could graduate ncea any where else or will I have to repeat?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Reply from abc 2 years ago.

Hi I just wanna know - if I have done NCEA level 2 can I get admission to university of Australia or do I have to do year 12 again in Australia and what's the requirement for that?

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