None (yet)
Posted by tazman 16 years ago.

I have full driver licences for Classes 1,2,4 and 5L. What do I need to do to get the Australian versions of these?

5 replies, the latest on 17 September 2014.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

Yes, depending on what state you are moving to you may or may not be required to do any tests. Each state is different in their requirements for NZ licence holders. It depends on what kind of aussie licence you are applying for. i.e. to get a full car licence, as a full nz licence holder, most states simply require you to provide proof of your licence, not sit a test. For some licences, however, some testing is required (i.e. eyesight, maybe a theory test, etc). Keep in mind, some of the road rules are a bit different to ours (i.e. you don't give way to people turning right when you're turning left in Aussie!)

Reply from tazman
16 years ago.

was thinking of queensland

Reply from kinah 14 years ago.

My husband and myself arrived in April 2011 with full licences and they transferred straight over to Full licence in Queensland. However you need all the required id: NZ drivers licence Something with your current address on it Card with name embossed on it and then you pay a fee weather you want your licence for 1 year to 5 years I think it starts from $30 to $80 for 5 years

Reply from crectune 12 years ago.

Please tell me if this is true.. Im told i can go to a govt veh registry/dep in sydney i can get all of my licences transfered over to Aussie, b4 i get back on a plane to fly to NT? And apart, Address NZ drivers lic, Passport what else? Lic , 1,2,3,4,5. Dg, Hoist, F endorsment. Im of in a month.Cheers all.

Reply from mace 10 years ago.

Kia Ora could someone tell me if there is a site to study up on the truck test, one person mentioned that when you convert your licenses from kiwi to aussie on 2 & 4 truck license you have to sit a test.

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