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Posted by aussie-dreaming 14 years ago.

I have debt in the UK - can we still move to Australia?

My husband and I are looking at moving to Australia with our 2 children. We have around £20,000 of debt. Can we still move or do we have to be debt free?

4 replies, the latest on 20 October 2014.
Reply from chica01 14 years ago.

I think with UK citizens, you'll be fine in oz .. start afresh!!

Reply from scratch 13 years ago.

we are uk and Oz citizens and 2 years ago, moved back to the UK from Oz leaving debts behind and not putting any tax returns in. We are now ready to return to Oz to live with our children and would like to know if we will be stopped on entering Oz or will it be more likely that some one will knock on our door one day? They have rently been speaking to the new owners of our old home!

Reply from usedtoliveinaus 10 years ago.

From what I have read and heard, people who leave bank debt in Australia and move to the UK can travel ok but the credit history will likely be transferred over to the UK. Australia and the United Kingdom are part of the "Commonwealth" so they seem to be linked in many ways including credit histories of residents. You may have trouble getting credit in Australia but its hit and miss - the information sharing system is not as advanced in Australia. It can also depend on identity matching - if you have a name that is common, its less likely they will match you between the countries using Name and DOB.

Reply from craig-mullen 10 years ago.

Can i move to australia from canada to be with my daughter who is 8 years old and australian if i owe credit?

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