None (yet)
Posted by mozziemo 12 years ago.

I have a student loan. Will I be able to leave NZ on a one-way ticket to Australia?

I have a student loan currently Im paying it off, I want to live in Australia, will I be able to leave without getting stopped at the airport,( ill be leaving on a one-way ticket ) Ive read some comments on this forum some say yes some say no, just wondering if someone has a definite answer.

2 replies, the latest on 30 December 2014.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Hi there,

You should be fine going back and forth between NZ and Australia with a student loan, as long as you continue to make the minimum repayments (and/or apply for the student loan repayment holiday for 3-years). We both have student loans and haven't had any issues going back and forth. We do make our repayments yearly as required though!

Reply from hey 9 years ago.

You will be fine leaving to australia however if you dont pay regular payments towards your student loan in nz whiles in australia you will be arrested at the nz boarder be warned. Even $20 a week should do the trick!!!

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