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Posted by hele 17 years ago.

I have a current drink driving charge. Can I move to Australia?

I have payed off my fine and am not allowed to drive for a further 3 months. This is my first criminal conviction.

3 replies, the latest on 19 July 2010.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

you would need to contact immigration for clarification. some criminal convictions mean you automatically will not be granted entry but it is done on a case-by-case basis. It is unlikely you would get a special category visa and you would probably have to apply specially for a visa.

Reply from wait-awhile-wa 16 years ago.

I'd say, just wait for your 3 months to be completed and then move to Aus.. You won't have problems..

Reply from djb 15 years ago.

Yes you can but it is on a case by case basis. I had a current first conviction and was disqualified from driving for 6 months. I sent a consent to disclosure form to the Australian consulate and was advised that I could get a special category visa when I entered the country. This is the automatic visa you get on a NZ passport. You just have to show the letter to the customs officer and declare that you have a criminal conviction on the incoming passenger card. It takes about 2 - 3 weeks for the consulate to respond.

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