None (yet)
Posted by jodiuk 14 years ago.

I am on a work holiday visa - I am now pregnant.

I came from the UK to be with my partner here in Australia. We have only been together 5 months and stupidly I've fallen pregnant with his baby. I have not done my second year visa work for a second year of staying, is there anything we can do for me to stay with him here and have a baby in Australia?

1 reply on 16 July 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

It could be difficult to get a partner visa seeing you have only been together for 5 months - unless you decide to get married, which makes it a lot easier! Otherwise, you would need to apply for another type of visa to let you stay - such as the skilled migrant visa. If you haven't already done so, check the website and look through all available visas to see if there is one that you might be eligible for. I would also suggest speaking with a migration agent if you are having difficulties.

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