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Posted by isildursheir 6 years ago.

How to move medical records from NZ to Australia

We are based in Auckland, and will be moving to Sydney in April. I know I can ask ADHB for all my medical records, and I can possibly also get that from our GP. Should we get these and carry with us to give to our new GP in Australia after we register for medicare? Or will they be able to access our medical history easily without us having to do anything? Any experiences will be appreciated.

3 replies, the latest on 05 October 2022.
Reply from kiwiinbriz 5 years ago.


I am having the same issue. Maybe u can access your health records from your GP through managemyhealth nz and print it out and give it to your new dr in OZ? or ask your dr in nz if they can send it to OZ?

Reply from lisa-rio-nukunuku 2 years ago.

Hi Im kinda having trouble with this as well I'm needing my medical records from NZ as I am living in Australia now and I will be needing it for jobs

Reply from grace 2 years ago.

Have you tried asking your NZ GP to email your records to you? I believe they are required to give you a copy if you ask them. Let me know how you go!

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