None (yet)
Posted by kelz 16 years ago.

How serious does the crime have to be before they disallow entry into Australia?

I have a friend moving from NZ on the 31st July. She has just completed her community service for drink driving and breach of PD and has also paid her fines...we are both concerned that this may hinder her gaining entry into Australia. Can anyone tell me if this will be an issue? Or does it have to be more serious offences before they won't let you through??

10 replies, the latest on 28 May 2015.
Reply from anonymous 14 years ago.

I've just gotten my acceptance letter from Austrlian Consulate for an SVC and I got convicted and jailed for a 15k defraud. What your friend has is minor compared to me??

Reply from anonymous 13 years ago.

how long did you serve in jail over 12 months

Reply from cjf 13 years ago.

Im 23years old. ive been charged with posession of cannibis when i was 18, been caught drink driving 3times, giving false information to police. ive just finishd paying court fines.. ive since turned my life around and now looking to go to Aussie (place of birth but im n.z citz) shoud i be worried??

Reply from nurgle 12 years ago.

I have got 4 DUI charges since 2004 and am planning to visit Australia of my sister's wedding in 2014. I have done community service, community detention and have paid all my fines. I now am very mindful of what I do. My question is will I be allowed in for 2 weeks. This includes the wedding and basically catching up with family which I have not seen for awhile. I have not told them of this shameful carelessness to my family as it might devastate them. I am scared that they might reject me. I don't think I can live with that.

Reply from aussie-dreaming 12 years ago.

Nurgle - You should be fine if you are only visiting. When you answer yes on the smart gate to terminal regarding convictions. They will first give you a pad after talking with you to list your convictions. My friend had one minor charge of cultivation of cannabis and some other driving charges. They let us through and didn't mention anything about a SCV. This was in december 2010 I last visited.

Pretty much if you have multiple drug convictions such as trafficking or being caught more than once for something like A class, this will result in you being questioned and you may have to pass a character test.

Any convictions which resulted in the person serving over a year in prison will likely 95% of the time end up in a rejection.

Reply from molly-malone 12 years ago.

I am looking to go to Australia from the uk to work. I have 2 convictions, one for theft in 2010 and nod for benefit fraud in 2011. I am really worried these will affect my acceptance. Please help :0

Reply from momhelp 11 years ago.

Hi, My mom was in US from india she was arrested for shoplifting and they charged her with Felony and she paid the fine but she cannot enter US again. MY sister is in Australia is giving birth so she wants mom to be there...can she get entry to Australia. Please guide and help with your guidance?

Reply from justawigger 11 years ago.

Hi I am 15 from the UK, but this isn't about me... My girlfriend (15 also) was told by her parents the other night that they are planning to move to Australia and her dad has everything sorted out BUT he was sent to prison for stealing and setting fire to someone's car and he was given a warning for ABH or GBH, probably GBH (he beat someone up with a baseball bat) he has also been caught with cannabis. Could that stop the little shit from taking my girlfriend to the other side of the planet? Please tell me it will, but don't lie.

Reply from platty 11 years ago.

Hiya I've been to jail 7 times first when I was 15 for arson and I av numerous convictions for violence but nothing in the past 5 years could I be accepted in Australia as my wife's fammily all live ther ?

Reply from bretto 10 years ago.

Im a nz citizen and have been in australia 30 years, i have been charged with drug supply in a district court, i am awaiting sentencing and want to visit family in nz before i serve time, will i get out of australia?, and can i be extradited back to oz if im gone to long?

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