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Posted by casey 16 years ago.

How long does it take to get a mortgage in Australia?

Do you need to be living there a number of months beforehand before applying for a mortgage? We will be selling our house in NZ and would like to buy a house in Queensland.

4 replies, the latest on 08 August 2013.
Reply from melburnian 16 years ago.

If you're credit worthy you should be fine, but clearly there are a lot of variables - especially in the current market. The usual ones, like how large your deposit is as a % of the purchase price, are particularly relevant right now. Only potential lenders can answer this question for you with enough certainty...

Reply from melburnian 16 years ago.

As far as needing to live here for a certain amount of time, we were asked to apply for a mortgage only a few days after we arrived! So that doesn't seem to be a factor.

Reply from willie 12 years ago.

plz help.which bank/lender doesn't check my credit in NZ?.l have the deposit but lm afraid that the lender will check my credit defaut in NewZealand as l left some unpaid debts

Reply from willie 12 years ago.

l would like to buy a house in AU.

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