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Posted by kozzie 15 years ago.

How easy is it for a uni graduate from NZ to get a job in Australia straight away?

Hi there, I'll be graduating end of next year with a bachelor of science, majoring in computer science. What are my chances of landing a job in Aussie straight away? Or would I be better off working for a little bit in NZ and then finding a job in Australia?

1 reply on 14 August 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Having some work experience usually makes it easier to get a job in both NZ and Australia. It's very difficult to predict how easy it will be for someone to find work though, as it depends so much on exactly what you've studied, your personality and other skills, how devoted you are to the search, and sometimes...pure luck! What you can do to start with though is check Seek Australia to see how many jobs are being advertised to computer science graduates - this will give you an indication of demand. It could also be worth contacting some recruitment agencies and getting their advice. All the best!

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