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Posted by utama 15 years ago.

How do I get a Post Office Box in Melbourne?


My family is moving from Auckland to Melbourne but we won't have a permanent address in the first few weeks in Australia.

Can we apply for a Post Office Box in Melbourne while we are still in NZ so that we can redirect our mail from NZ to an Australian PO Box address?

Please advise if you have successfully got a PO Box in Melbourne.


2 replies, the latest on 25 August 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Hi utama,

It is possible, but you will need to get someone you know in Melbourne to go and do it for you as it needs to be done in person at an Australia Post outlet. They will need to take a letter of authorisation from you, plus copies of two forms of your ID.

Alternatively you could do what we did: Ask a friend nicely if you can use their address for the first few weeks while getting set up. That's what we did and it worked out fine. Once we had our own place we just updated our address at the bank etc.

Reply from antipod 12 years ago.

Do Australian post offices have a "Poste Restante" service where people can send you letters c/o the local post office and you can collect it from there?

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