None (yet)
Posted by auntie-hazel 14 years ago.

How can a 16-year-old Kiwi get residency after living in Australia for 4 years?

Hi, I'm asking this question on behalf of my niece. She is a NZ citizen and moved to Australia some 4 years ago with her parents. It's her 16th birthday today. She wants to go to university to become a lawyer but can't get student loans at the moment. She needs to be a resident to be able to get the student loans, or at least that's what she has been told. How can she apply for residency and how much does it cost? She has another year left at school and then has to make her mind up about her future - so now's the time to plan ahead. Can anyone offer any help or advice?

Many thanks

Auntie Hazel

3 replies, the latest on 14 March 2020.
Reply from nzdong 14 years ago.

She is not qualified for permanent residency for sure - too young. I have a suggestion - she may be able to get student loan from the NZ government. Check with NZ study link for her situation.

Reply from kiwi-mum 14 years ago.

My daughter was the citizen, she did her OP here and got accepted at a Uni in QLD. As we didn't qualify, she went back to NZ to attend Uni, got automatic entry into Uni there as Aussie is considered an International Acceptance and she got a student allowance for living away from home and a couple of Maori grants because of her Dad...I flew her back here to Oz each semester..which was way cheaper. Oz Uni fees were more twice as much as NZ. She stayed with friends and now is living back here in Oz...very scary when they are so young .but it does work out!!!...Good luck

Reply from liah 4 years ago.

I have and elderly mum 70 years old from New Zealand moving to Australia 4 years. Can she entitle for a homecare help for herself at home when she need to...Thanks

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