None (yet)
Posted by will-my-samsung-tv-work-here-ozzie 16 years ago.

How about if I move to another country? Will Baycorp still look for me all over the Globe??

4 replies, the latest on 06 June 2010.
Reply from stace 16 years ago.

perhaps the answer is to find more employment in NZ and pay the loan off before you leave. The internet is making it easy for banks and financial authorities to work together very easily on a global scale. Get a job, pay it off here and leave with peace of mind

Reply from the-duck 15 years ago.

..I know of a case recently that Baycorp was able to chase a defaulter on a Bank loan, right back to the UK. They were able to empty out his UK bank account for the outstanding amount. Go Figure.

Reply from u-to 15 years ago.

i don't think think so you sholuld not get any credit with in 5 years's baycorp can't look for one know right answer this.every country has law.strat new life you have to take care you position now.

Reply from aucklander 15 years ago.

If it is unsecured debt they can do nothing!!

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