None (yet)
Posted by woool 13 years ago.

Getting a credit card in Australia

Hi, Is it easy to apply for credit cards from Australian banks as a Kiwi? I just paid off my New Zealand credit cards and have no debt at the moment. I would like to apply for a credit card in Australia. I don't need my NZ credit card now.

2 replies, the latest on 22 December 2010.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi woool,

If you have a job and can show proof of income it's pretty easy to apply for a credit card with an Australian bank. It's very much the same process as applying for a credit card in NZ :)

Reply from chairbro 13 years ago.

easy as, only one of us had a job and we got a joint card with 10K limit on the first day

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