None (yet)
Posted by geniegirl 13 years ago.

Flat sharing in Oz?

Hi guys! Does anyone know some good websites for finding a share house in Oz? I've tried gumtree and, and have had good responses. If you have any tips for finding flatmates, let me know! Cheers, Gena

2 replies, the latest on 08 August 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Local cafes, bookshops & laundromats often have community noticeboards with people looking for flat mates. I would definitely look out for those around the neighbourhoods you want to live in! What city are you moving to?

Reply from gena 13 years ago.

Hey, I'm heading to Sydney! Thanks heaps for your suggestion and I will keep a look out for noticeboards, I guess I was hoping to have some options lined up before arriving...yet I must curb my impatience :-)

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