None (yet)
Posted by ozbound74 16 years ago.

Ex resident of Adelaide living in NZ for 13 years and wanting to return to Adelaide, but has criminal conviction

I have lived in Adelaide for 13 years between 1980-1993. I am a New Zealand born male and have been back in NZ since 1993 and have returned to Australia on a number of occassions to visit. I have a fairly serious criminal record and I want to return to live in Adelaide permanently, is this going to be a possibility?

1 reply on 27 June 2009.
Reply from ally 16 years ago.

If you are an Australian citizen, your crime would have to be fairly serious to stop you from returning. However if you are a NZ citizen I doubt very much you would get into Australia. Check with the Australian Consulate. Don't lie because if you are caught you will be deported and unable to return to Australia.

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