None (yet)
Posted by debbie 16 years ago.
Does anyone know of any useful Australian job sites?
My partner has all truck class driving licenses and has been in his current employment for over 12 years as a furniture truck driver. I'm in Early Childhood with many years experience teaching and nannying. I'm currently home based.
4 replies, the latest on 22 April 2011.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.
you can access from (tabs up to top to select region, plus australian cities are in the search fields). others are and there's lots out there, would pay to also google employment agencies that deal specifically with your industry as they are generally the most helpful.
Reply from phoenix 16 years ago.
Reply from phoenix 16 years ago. sorry
Reply from nhagar 13 years ago.
Buy Us A Coffee?Have we helped you? Please keep this site running. We‘ve helped thousands of people with their move to Australia but very few give anything back. Maybe you will?