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Posted by rufus 17 years ago.

Does a Kiwi who entered Australia after 2002 qualify for the first time home buyers grant?

3 replies, the latest on 26 January 2011.
Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.

Yes - Special Category Visa (SCV) holders qualify for the first home grant, so that means every Kiwi. You need to satisfy the other conditions too, which are essentially that you haven't owned a home before. Here's some info specific to Victoria, but it applies in every other state too as far as I can tell:

Reply from neale-5 15 years ago.

i am selling my home in new zealand - can I still apply for 1st home grant when we move to australia?

Reply from nikki 14 years ago.

yes you can apply for first home buyers grant.. since you dont own a home in australia you are eligible for getting first home buyers grant..

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