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Posted by fordgalnz 17 years ago.
Do you have to have employment before you can apply to rent a house in Australia?
3 replies, the latest on 26 August 2008.
Reply from anonymous 17 years ago.
we are a family relocating to Brisbane in october and was wondering how easyis it to get a rental over there. i.e do you have to be in paid employment first before you can even apply? Do you have to be already in Australia or can you apply from NZ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Reply from chloe 17 years ago.
it is definately an advance if you have a job line up as they real estate agent might want to see your employment confirmation and salary with your rental application.
But this is not a must. i would say more like case by case. If you have a reasonable amount of saving to support yourself before you found a job and able to provide them your bank statement or balance, i would say that is good enough too.
Reply from chloe 17 years ago.
opps i mean advantage
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