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Posted by goodthinking 12 years ago.

Do you get more money in your pocket in Australia?

Obviously this is a question with a lot of variables but I keep hearing that wages etc are higher in Aus but that the cost of living is higher also. Would you say you end up about the same as NZ, better or worse off financially?

1 reply on 09 January 2012.
Reply from grace 12 years ago.

We have noticed quite a big difference in how much money we have left over at the end of the month in Australia. Wages are indeed higher here and while it's true living costs are similar to NZ, tax is significantly lower making a difference to how much money you take home. Of course, another thing we did when moving was to pay off all debt in NZ and we have since been debt free in Australia, which also really helps when you are not forking out an extra $400 a month on car repayments etc!

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