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Posted by luey 13 years ago.

Do Kiwis get treated like second-rate citizens?

We've been wanting to move to Aus, but recently seen some bad press about Aussie being very prejudice against kiwi's for everything from jobs to university. Do we just have to prove that we can work harder, or longer with super-human talent all while sporting a winning attitude just to be treated like an equal ... or will we never be treated as an equal? If kids at school are being prejudiced against, then in universities too, is it really worth crossing the ditch?

7 replies, the latest on 07 November 2023.
Reply from grace 13 years ago.

I know there is a bit of this in Australia, although we've never really experienced it ourselves. However, a couple of friends have reported feeling like they were treated like 'foreigners' at work, although I wouldn't say it has really prevented them from getting ahead...they are both doing very well now.

We have had some mild hassling, but usually from older Australians. Young Australians don't seem to have this attitude at all in Melbourne. However, I imagine this does vary a bit depending on where you are located.

Overall, most New Zealanders we've spoken to have been very positive about their experiences fitting into Australia. It would be very interesting to hear from others who have experienced the opposite though!

Reply from moviefan 13 years ago.

My wife gets a bit of stick at work for her accent, although I dont know why, considering how multi cultural Sydney IS

Reply from tracey-jacks 13 years ago.

Hi There i am a Kiwi Perm resident living in Australia with my Kiwi Husband and Kids in Qld.

We found it hard going intially but have lot of friends here in Australia lots of kiwis , my main concern is having only been here three years we are unable to claim and benefits should we fall sick or unemployed or when we retire which is becoming more of a concern!

My kids will be unable to attend Uni or gain apprenticeships and we are ineligable for perm residency in Australia due to the recent changes. I am starting to think we may actually be better off back in NZ after all..even though we love the life here there are many uncertainties........think carefully before coming if you carn't get perm residency life can be tough :)

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

I have to agree with the comment from Trace above...We have been here in Australia for 6 years this year, work has been easy to get, but having now looked into the citizenship thing, more so for our children, we have been told that it is

  • very unlikely that we will be granted permanent residency, (something I though we were, but until I started looking into it, no, we are on a special class visa which allows us to freely come and go between the 2 countries), and
  • citizenship is impossible without firstly permanent resident status.

The laws changed in 2001, so unless you came prior to that you are very unlikely to get the residency status. We cannot claim any help if we are in any kind of flood/fire crisis, we cannot get help with further studies (I am studying nursing now here in oz and have to fund it all myself, which now I realise my children wont be able to access any kind of student help with their studies), and if we get sick, or need to get a benefit for retirement we can't....

So although we pay taxes, work hard and do everything other residence in australia do, we care better off in NZ....

So do think carefully before you come, as these are the things that will affect you later on....We came here for a better life for our kids, but now we are heading back to NZ, as we are faced with the fact that we probably will have to go back to NZ, it comes down to do we do it now while I kids are still younger, or later on in life when they have their own familys and wont come back to NZ!!!

Decision made easy really....

Reply from rare-japan 1 year ago.

11 years on and things are finally much better for kiwis living here. We can now become Australian citizens after living here for 4 years without any age or health tests.

See for the latest info on becoming an Australian citizen after living in Australia on an SCV.

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