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Posted by love-life 14 years ago.

Do I need to apply for permanent residency to get the subsidy on a TAFE course?

I am 17 years old and have just enrolled into TAFE. I was told that even though I am a NZ citizen and have lived here in Australia for 5 years I have to show proof of permanent residency for the course fee subsidy. Do I need to apply for permanent residency or can I get it subsidised on a SCV? What sort of proof is needed?

1 reply on 15 February 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Is the fee subsidy through Centrelink? If so, then unfortunately New Zealanders on the SCV aren't entitled to any Centrelink payments. You need to apply for and be granted a permanent residency visa to be able to get any sort of subsidies or benefits.

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