None (yet)
Posted by brand-geek 17 years ago.

Did you guys find jobs before or after you moved to Australia? Why and how?

It would be so hard to attend interviews from NZ (seeing as you often need to attend a few to get a position). Did you save a lot of money first?


11 replies, the latest on 19 November 2014.
Reply from diane 16 years ago.

my partner, daughter of 10, son of 18mths moved over 8 years ago this month with bout $2,000 in our pockets and as much kitchen household items as we could take. Neither of us had jobs lined up but my partners sister/ mother lived here so we stayed with sister and just paid for our food. It was the most scarey situation I have ever been in. I wanted to go home many times in first 6 months! My partner visited centrelink 3 times a day and took what ever was going. With that little bit of money and family assistance payments we just survived but I wouldnt recommend it. Best of luck in your new adventures :)

Reply from kingjp 15 years ago.

I applied for jobs while here in NZ online, I put on my job application that I was available to travel for an interview if shortlisted. One job I recieved an email back after 4 wks to say I was sucessful in being shortlisted and they were going to conduct a telephone interview. Had the interview last monday 15 march and they said they will get back to me within 3 its the waiting game. Good luck with what ever you decide.

Reply from debweb 15 years ago.

Good Luck!!!!

Reply from best-answer 15 years ago.

i am moving to melbourne in 3 is better to research job sites in australia just to give you a rough idea on what jobs are going over there at the time you're looking to is much better to apply or ring employers once you're over can apply from nz all you like but they will reply and say contact them when you've arrived, some require you for an interview as soon as the same day so dont be too worried they are usually genuine employers over there who do get back to you unlike most in nz...there are way more jobs over there too. depending on the type of job you want most employers require previous experience or relevant qualification because they do pay more over there, make sure you make c/vs before going and have contactable references(not like they will ring them) but it's good for your c/v!!!! im going over with $1000max!!

Reply from chairbro 14 years ago.

Hi. My husband and I went over when I got promoted, so we were largely sorted. We made sure we could survive on one income so that he had the time to find something he really wants to do. Hubby is now in quite a stable (min 38 hours a week) temporary job which is fine enough - but not what he wants to do long term. There are plenty of temp agencies that supply casual workers skilled and unskilled so at worst you should be able to get something there while you find your dream position. I was given a book "Work your way around Australia" which might be handy for some, its about how to get work in the seasonal industries all year round. Good luck!

Reply from polo 14 years ago.


Hi i moved to Oz Oct09, didnt research anything before i came over, didnt have any jobs lined up, just jumped on a plane, had family in Qld so stayed with them. Registered with Manpower got a job thru them the same week. Been laughing since. Took about two weeks to get TaxFileNo (applied online) Got Au licence first week in oz. Got a rental 3 months in. Pretty much sorted in the first six months, and that was starting from scratch with no knowledge what so ever. . .

Reply from teresa 13 years ago.

I moved to Brisbane in December 2011 from Christchurch - Life is brighter, not only is the weather fantastic, standard of living is great, my wage has doubled, food and electricity is cheaper and we now enjoy regular breaks away.

I wanted the security of knowing I had a job - Therefore planned the move in stages, example; applied for Nursing Registration from NZ once approved flew to Brisbane stayed with family, signed up at a Nursing Agency, went back to NZ sold all household things and 6 wks later landed in Brisbane and was working the next day.

Researching my field of work was helpful ... Plan, ring and investigate

Formal Qualifications/ Trade and relevant experience is essential if not it's a "Who you Know" situation that will help you get your foot in the door to work opportunities

Having Australian work experience is desirable when competing for future employment once here

You will need money to survive, food, bus, taxi fares, photo copying, internet cafe, driver licence costs etc. Once I began working and paying taxes I then registered at CentreLink to identify various payments avalible to working families - family assistance, rental assistance, childcare, health care subsidy

Remember the population here is much bigger in comparison to NZD therefore it's a competitive mindset environment for everything, Jobs, schooling, finding a flat, house, unit and getting places does take longer in traffic so consider this wisely when you are thinking about work, home and play!

Prior to moving check the requirments for Medicare Application, be sure to bring this information with you, saves stress, time and money

Reply from kiwi-in-perth 12 years ago.

Standard reply is 'contact us when you get here'. The Sydney placement firms don't generally bother responding. The Perth ones are more polite but just as useless. Come here after some research and plenty of spare cash (about 6 months expenses) as rents are high. Stick it out as it takes a while. Two years and 3 jobs later I found something close to what I was looking for. Keywords - cashflow, patience, resilience. It is probably worth in the long term.

Reply from rosanne 12 years ago.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best place to look for jobs as a primary school teacher in Adelaide and whether I need to get a SA teacher registration and what else do i need to do please. Any suggestions would be fabulous. Desperate to make a move to Adelaide.

Reply from i-live-in-melbourne 11 years ago.

I applied through a recruitment agency. Did an interview with the agency through skype then a phone interview with a prospective employer. I did get a job offer and I'm moving there soon. Personally, I feel much more secured when I've already got a job when I get there. However, I've got a family member who went there without a job and managed to find one within 2 weeks or so.

Reply from looking-forward 10 years ago.

As looking at a few answers regarding this question, applying for a job here or over in Australia is still ok. I have a few mates that are helping me to get a job in Brisbane in the freight/logistics industry. I may need to update my CV and send it through. I have also been browsing online at AU jobs with either major companies or agency recruitments. At the moment the position I am in is not that great and it's been sooooo freakin hard to get another job in this same chain over here NZ. Been to sooo many interviews and no luck. I have experience, qualification. what more does NZ want?. Now I am looking towards my future and to help out my family which I have only recently returned from Brisbane (holiday) and the people I have spoken too (families/frens) they are liking it with job wise (especially)...Come 2015 should be in Brisbane with a job :-)

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