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Posted by sarah 14 years ago.

Debt from New Zealand - will I need to pay from Australia?

Hi there,

I'm going to Australia to look for a job but I have a few debts owing to the bank and to my visa card. I can't pay back my debts at the moment as I have no money. I will be living with some relatives in Australia and will be looking for a job. If it is a while before I get a job, what is the bank in NZ likely to do to me in Australia?

1 reply on 28 January 2010.
Reply from jess 14 years ago.

They will pester any family member of yours in NZ and if they get your information of your whereabouts in Australia.. then they will just pester you there.

Depending on how much you owe to the bank and visa card... They might get someone in Australia to investigate it for them.
If its not huge, dont stress to much, but dont avoid it. Make some attempt to pay it, moving to Australia isn't a quick fix to your debts - $30 - $50 bucks a week is better than nothing.

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