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Posted by maybewannago 17 years ago.

Can you tell me if it's possible to pay a loan in New Zealand while working in Australia? If so, how do I go about doing it?

10 replies, the latest on 27 March 2011.
Reply from kiwi-chick 17 years ago.

You can, the best way is to keep your nz account open. every time you transfer money from Aus to NZ there will be international transfer fees - so best way is to transfer one a month in lump sums. Then you can pay your nz accounts from your nz bank account.

Reply from suga 17 years ago.

The transfer fee's are usually only around 50.00 per transaction.

Reply from deez 17 years ago.

We queried WESTPAC nz about this, and they advised to keep monies in our nz account and continue the automatic payment of our nz loan. Once were established in Australia an idea was to apply for an australian loan to pay for the nz loan. That way there would be no large transfer fees to pay monthly just a standard australian loan repayment.

Reply from stellebelle 16 years ago.

Hi - I have a very small business here in NZ and we accept payments via PayPal ( from around the world), which is very easily transfered into my business account - without a $50 fee!! I believe that might be a way around those hideous bank charges.

Reply from rallyran 16 years ago.

so how do you set up Paypal? That sound great if it works out. Thanks

Reply from leo 16 years ago.

Just visit it is free.

Reply from curious269 14 years ago.

i am wanting to move over and work asap..but i have fines with baycorp and court fines, im guessing they mount up to 10,000? Im getting no where paying them off here, can i leave the country and pay them off there?? Who would i need to contact for extended information? thanks

Reply from curious269 14 years ago.

i have a bad credit up to 10,000 and getting no where paying them off here, can i work there and pay it off from oz? and will i get past the purley gates of oz?? thx

Reply from jackson-taylor 14 years ago.

What I would do is pay your monthly payments by Credit Card and just use your Aussy Debit card that they gave you! So just ring your loan company and say you would like to make a payment Credit Card Form and then put your debit card number down...No Transfer fees between banks!!

Reply from tararotwinz 14 years ago.

My brothers moved to the Gold Coast just before the law change came into effect regarding fines. They left owing money to the courts and somehow pushed it to the back of their minds and forgot about them. I'm not sure if it is difficult for them to pay their fines from Australia or if they're just the worst procrastinators in the world but what was once $900.00 has steadily crept up into the thousands now. My brothers are doing so much better in Oz than they were here and although they wish they had the freedom to come and go, it will be many years before they can step on NZ soil again. When the old man passes away its highly likely that 2 of his sons wont be able to farewell him. So so sad. If you have fines and NZ is your home, I strongly recommend that you PAY YOUR FINES or make sure you keep to your payment arrangement. It can be so easy to lose your old self in a new country but your debts will follow you to the end of your days.

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